Chapter Fifteen

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  As Ashton told the guys a very short story of Michael. Michael was making his way back to his friends house. He had calmed down in the last few minutes and just kinda wanted to cuddle Luke. He smiled at the thought of Luke. Luke had made him happy. He knew he couldn't depend on his like Ashton. Not yet anyway, but he could depend on him for cuddles. He loved to be held, something Adam never did for Michael.

 His smile dropped at the thought of Adam. Looking back on their relationship, he never did anything for Michael. Maybe in the first few months but anything after that it was all about Adam. He still wishes to this day he had listened to Ashton and left Adam before everything had happened. He just wasn't smart enough to look at what was happening right in front of him. 

 The wind picked up making Michael bring his arms closer to himself. He could see Ashtons house and walked faster, wanting to get warm again as soon as possible. He carefully made his way up to his door and finally opening it and entering. Someone yelled his name and as he shoved his shoes off he was taken into a hug. The smell of candles and cocnut hit his nose, Ashton. He hugged back, just not as tight. Although it was merely three in the afternoon he was tired. Thankfully he didn't have to work tonight.

"Luke," He mumbled out before pushing Ashton away. Ashton wasn't offended or hurt by his actions, he smiled, happy that he knew someone else would be there for Michael if he wasn't.

Luke had just made it out of the kitchen doorway when Michael hugged him. Luke hugged him back just as tight, knowing that he probably needed it. 

Luke was different then any other guy Michael has been with. Although he has only dated two prior. Luke was understanding, knowing when or when not to speak. He showed his care for people more in actions then words, which Michael really liked. He didn't pressure Michael into speaking or explaining himself. Which made Michael happy and content. 

 Even though Luke never asked, he was curious about Michael. All he really knew was where he worked, his age, he had two kids, and that his best friend was Ashton. He wanted to know who Michael really was. He wanted to know his favorite color, holiday, season, everything. But Luke didn't like to be called nosy and get into others business. He's learned from his past about that, not wanting a repeat. Time was never on his side either. He had school, a job, and honestly that was it. But for Luke it took up a lot of time. Not giving time for Michael but he knew he would have to make time for Michael because Michael was important, and you always make time for important things. Luke was willing to wait for Michael to tell him the deep personal stuff.

The two were still hugging when Calum came out to see what was taking so long. He let out a small noise of annoyance and made his way to Ashton. Hugging his boyfriend, all thanks to Michael. Michael was the one to push Calum to ask Ashton to be his. He knew Ashton wouldn't make the move meaning Calum had to. The four of them just stood there, holding on to each other like their life depended on it.


"Daddy," A small child like form was in front of his bed. Making him jump. All the horror movies he has watched still haunts him to this day. 

It was Marci who was standing in front of his bed. Even in the dark he could make out her small curls that went a few inches above her shoulders. Checking his phone real quick it was only one in the morning. He sat up wondering why his daughter would be up.

"What is it?" Yawning while asking, he pulled his covers off. Either expecting her to crawl in bed with him or wanting him to get up.

The small girl smiled as her dad lifted the covers up. She got into the bed and made sure to get as close to her dad as possible. She had just woken up from a nightmare, not wanting to be alone. Even if her brother was in the same room. 

Michael placed the blankets back over them. He moved Marci closer to the pillows so her head would rest on one. He placed one arm around her to make sure she was close to him.

"I had a nightmare," she said tiredly.

Hugging her tighter, "Don't worry, I got you," Was all Michael stated.

Marci loved how big and strong her dad was. In her head he was a hero, "I love you daddy," She whispered before she got comfy in his arms. When she felt the kiss on the top of her head, she knew her daddy loved her too. Leaving the two Cliffords to fall asleep holding each other, while across the hall, the other Clifford was fast asleep without any nightmares.


Thoughts on Luke and not pushing Michael on anything?

Marci seeking comfort from Michael at one am? 

Thanks for reading :)

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