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Here is chapter 1. I hope you enjoy it and I don't disappoint. Vomment s'il vous plait. It's not edited but bare with me. It would be awesome if someone could edit this for me. Who do you think should play Celestine?


Running away will never set you free

It was the sky. Rolling grey clouds, drifted in from the ocean, sharp painful winds and the repugnant smell of salt hung in the air. I stood at the edge of the cliff watching the storm begin. The waves seemed to be in distress as they clashed against the bottom of the cliff, swallowing the beach. The clouds were devouring the sunlight causing the town to enter darkness. The trees swayed with the wind almost as if they were doing a depressing dance. The forest was behind me where creatures roamed at night.

 A breath caught in my throat, as the wind picked up slicing against my pale skin. Cold droplets of water hit my cheeks and clothes, the water dripped from my forehead into my eyes.  My russet coloured hair, flew in the direction the wind was coming from and my light clothes stuck to my skin. I felt something wrong in the air as though nature was waiting for something to happen. The wind whispered into my ear, rushing past in haste. It's voice a dry low rasping and the words were unclear. It caused my stomach to churn with dread. The wind never spoke to me nor did it converse with a being unless it deemed the subject important. The rocks clashed against each other and the sound intensified and grated against my ear.

The sound of Mum's constant jabbering broke through my thoughts. 

"Are you listening to me, Celestine?" she shrieked waving the wooden spoon dangerously close to my face. I inched backwards slowly to make sure she didn't notice me moving away from her. I was scared of the spoon whacking me in the face.

I nodded my head and smiled sheepishly at her. She narrowed her eyes at me and put the spoon back into the bowl

"You never listen. That your problem. It goes into one ear and out the other." Mum said.

"Sorry," I mumbled and went back to my breakfast

 It was always the same thing. 

Celestine you don't listen. Maybe I need you listen to me because I need to hand you a very important job. 

Listening is the key. Blah blah the same nonsense she sprouts out of her mouth. 


"What?!" I exclaimed

"You're doing it again," she complained

"I'm sorry. You have both my ear. I'm listening," I said.

I studiously stuffed cereal in my mouth as mum ranted about the pie making contest. She always won each year and I'm not sure why she's nervous. Watching the oat circle swim across my bowl, I started thinking about  the homework that was piling on my desk upstairs. I groaned and put more hoops onto my spoon. Mum's voice drifted in and out of my ear. Now she was talking Ms Finnegan, our next door neighbour. I didn't care what Ms Finnegan got up to in her spare time. It's none of my business but Mum being Mum like to stick her pointy nose into people's business. 

"Did you know she went to Tesco and bought a ready made cake mix?" she said like it was a big secret. Her brown eyes were wide with outrage and her mouth were opened in an O shape. 

"Yeah Mum shocker," I said sarcastically, scraping my chair back and walking to the sink to dump my bowl. I filled the bowl with water and went to grab my bag that was hanging on the chair. 

"I thought  the same thing." she exclaimed, turning back to violently mix whatever was in that bowl. She was always mixing weird things together to make a new flavour for cake or icing but strangely it worked. 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 10, 2013 ⏰

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