Chapter 18

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Rose stayed in her room the rest of the evening. She heard other patients coming in and out of the house, but she was too afraid too look. She was terrified of Niall before, and she was even more terrified out over what he would do to her.

Maybe he doesn't know. Rosemary thought.

It was around 5, maybe a bit later and she was tired and hungry. As if on cue she heard Niall scream up the stairs.

"Dinner is done!" He sounds fine...she thought.

She slowly walked down the steps. Taking her time as to prolong her getting yelled at. She waited until she had two feet on each step until she moved down the next.

After making it down the stairs, she sucked in a breath and walked into the kitchen, her head hung low.

"Anything wrong?" Niall questioned nicely. Too nicely. Thought Rosemary.

She didn't answer, only shaking her head avoiding eye contact.

She sat down at the table and began to eat the caesar salad, chicken, and other food placed in front of her.

"You sure...?" Niall egged on, curious as to why Rosemary was acting strange. Again she only nodded.

"That's quite the lovely pink dress you have Rosie." He said in a pestering voice. Rosemary gulped, she finally looked up seeing Niall hadn't touched his food and both hands were flat on the table, his eyes locked on her face.

She whispered shyly, "T-thank y-y-you." Curse my stutter.

"Why are you stuttering?" He said sarcastically and smiled, but received no answer, just a scared stare from an adolescent across his kitchen table.

Rosemary's heart was in her stomach. Niall's hard and pestering stare burning a hole through her.

His cologne was absolutely intoxicating, his strong musty yet very sweet scent traveling into her nostrils. She shivered at his utter manliness and strong presence, she felt so weak.

"What did you do today?" Niall wondered, as if he were a parent talking to their child that just got home from school.

Rosemary bit her lip before continuing, "Just laid in bed." She lied.

Niall still had not even looked at his food, he just kept his hands flat on the table, still staring without breaking eye contact.

"Mhm." Niall agreed, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. He smokes in his house...?

Rosemary watched with hooded eyes as he took a long drag from his cigarette, hypnotizing her.

He stood up and walked over to Rosemary, sitting right at the edge of the table. He looked at her and without warning blew the smoke directly in her face.

Rosemary erupted in a fit of coughs and gags. She got up running to the sink and opening the window above it to let it fresh air.

Meanwhile Niall sat back down in his chair setting the cigarette down, watching Rosemary.

"That was rude, what was t-that for!?" Rosemary cried, disgusted with his actions.

"I don't like liars Rosemary." Niall said quickly and sharply.

She froze standing by the sink like a deer in headlights. Niall stared angrily at her waiting for her to make a move.

It was completely quiet in the house.

Just quiet.

Tension so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

Niall just stared at her, no longer with narrow speculative eyes, but wide daring ones. His eyes were huge and blank, so big that if she made a move he couldn't miss any action. His attention was focused on her, as if he were challenging her to make a move.

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