Chapter 20

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"Rosemary get up here!" Niall yelled making Rosemary jump and drop the bowl she was washing in the sink.

She scrambled to dry her hands and ran up the stairs, her eyes wide as she was nervous and afraid of what she had done now. Walking to Niall's room she saw he was on his laptop.

"Y-yea?" She squeaked, tucking an annoying piece of hair behind her ear. She trying to look down and not stare at Niall's tattoos.

Niall snapped his eyes up at her and back at the computer screen.

"Were you on the computer?" He questioned, seeming already to know the answer. Rosemary gulped. She thought back to when Niall had a complete personality change and shivered. She didn't want to lie and have him freak out and have another meltdown.

Sighing she answered lowly as if trying to make it not as bad, "yeah." Please don't yell at me.

"First off do not say 'yeah' say 'yes' you're least book smart, so don't use slang. Also, thank you for telling the truth." He snapped.

Rosemary took a deep breath. Why did he call me up here then, to humiliate me some more? I can't even say 'yeah'? He isn't my father, and he never will be.

She bit her lip and furrowed her brows angrily. "So....did you want me for something? And you said, um, that I was a-a-allowed on the computer anyway." She said, trying to sound confident.

"Just wanted to know if you saw anything." Niall awkwardly cleared his throat and shut his laptop. He got up and walked in front of Rosemary.

Remembrance of saw flooded her mind. "I-uh-no. No I didn't see anything. What would I see?" She tried to sound convincing and confident, but Niall didn't buy it as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

Rosemary twitched. "W-what?"

"Are you just going to stand there and lie to me everyday? I told you I don't like liars." He said coldly, stalking towards her intimidatingly. She tried to stay strong and confident, though she really wasn't, she didn't want him to know.

"Im not lying! I didn't see anything. Was there something you didn't want me to see?" She sounded more convincing and truthful than she thought. She mentally clapped for herself.

Niall suddenly stopped stalking towards her and felt the scruff on his face, thinking. It looked like he believed her.

But suddenly he dropped his hands and pressed his hands against the wall beside her head. She had never been in a position like this before and she felt her insides shake with adrenaline and anticipation, both afraid and excited.

He stared at her, seriousness projected on his face, his eyes laced with something she couldn't decipher, but she didn't like it. She stood confident and tall, not backing down.

"I know you're lying." He smirked, his accent thick in his words.

"Im not lying-"

"You're scared." He said intimidatingly in a pestering voice, as if mocking her. She felt her wall of confidence crumble and her chest rose and fell in fear.

She cleared her throat and shook it off. "Is that a fact?"

"Mmm." Niall hummed, still staring at her face.

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