Chapter 26

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No, no he didn't. He couldn't know. How would Leo know? I didn't even fuck Rosemary, yet. Why would he assume that? Did he see us kiss somehow? Has he been watching me? It took all my composer not to snap and smash him against the desk pushing his face into all my papers asking how and what he knows.

"Excuse me?" I asked rather bored with the conversation, making it seem as if I was listening to teenagers gossip.

Leo turned to me not pleased about having a normal reaction, though it was killing me on the inside.

"You heard me." He coyly smiled at me, leaning down in front of me before grabbing the chair arms behind him then sinking into it carelessly as if I was the weak one, stiff and proper, and he was relaxed as if he knew all my secrets. Leo's cocky little fucking attitude was pissing me the fuck off.

"Leo shut up-"

"Ooo!" Leo sarcastically smiled putting his hands up. "Telling a patient to shut up. Hmm..." He sat back, smirking.

I rolled my eyes. "We've cussed each other out plenty of times, now shut up. Why would you say that Leo, that's fucking disgusting she's a kid and she's like seventeen." I groaned, faking all my feelings.

He chuckled, "Oh come on man! You gotta be hitting that! If I adopted her or whatever the fuck your doin' I would fuck the shit outta-"

I put my hand up to stop him. "Enough." I sighed. It was more of a sigh of relief rather than annoyance. I thought he knew and would blackmail me, something I unfortunately have experience with. But he was just assuming shit and being a perverted little shit as usual.

"So, Niall-"

"Dr.Horan, Leo." I corrected him.

He obnoxiously groaned. "Uh whatever! So I saw some pictures of a couple dead bodies last night, on like...this site creepypasta or reddit or some shit like that. Guess what I did.." He grinned, making me frown.

"I jacked off to it." He smiled, leaning back staring at me.

Hearing the ticking clock I stared unamused.

"I see your compulsive lying has not taken a turn for the best." I mumbled, making sure to write down to change his prescription for his anxiety. His mother has ignored him from day one, over the years he has progressively gotten worse with lying. He started to become anxious and scratch at his skin, but last year his anxiety went from physical to mental. When Leo has an unusually bad experience with his mother I can always tell because his need for attention grows stronger as he makes up more lies out of panic and lack of attention due to his anxiety and fear of being alone and unloveable for his entire life.

"It ain't a lie." He smiled.

"So now you're a necrophiliac?" I questioned, moving my glasses. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Well, no man that's fuckin weird. Forget it." He grumbled, getting up to leave.

"Ah." I stopped him. Pointing my finger at his thin frame and dragging my finger to his chair. He sighed and sat back down crossing his arms, with an attitude as he huffed.

I took of my glasses and rubbed my eyes. "Look...." I said lowly squeezing the bridge of my nose before putting my glasses on again.

"I think, I think we need to bring in your mother next time. Her neglect is really starting to worry me and it's getting to the point where your mental health is far worse than it was."

Leo chuckled, "Tell me something I don't know."

I smiled sadly, "Look kid, your Mom loves you. Don't take her love for granted when you get it. I think we need to sit her down and make her listen to this session and every other recorded session. She needs to see the damage she has done and she needs to fix it now. It's getting to the point where, I hate to say it but, it's almost too late for you. Well what I mean is, it's almost to late for you to accept her into your life."

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