Chapter 2

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No When I got home from school I went up to Nolen's room, I usually don't go in there but I wanted to see if he was home. As I opened the door I see his friend Jeremy in there. "Umm have you seen my brother?" I ask him politely as he just stares at me like a lost dog. "Erm...hello?" I continue with an attitude this time. He's stoned I could tell, his eyes are bloodshot red. "oh my bad he was here but he went out real quick to get something." he replies. "okay" I say as I shut the door. I began to walk to my room and change into something more relaxing and comfortable. When I'm finished I walk downstairs to the kitchen to fix me a pb&j, when I bend over to look inside the refrigerator I felt someone come behind me they wrapped their arms around my waist and I could feel that he was hard. Once I turn around I see that it's Jeremy. "Jeremy what th-" I get cut off by a kiss. I always thought Jeremy was cute but I never wanted to kiss him or anything like that. As I try pulling away from the kiss I can't his tongue shots right into my mouth, he pulls away. I look at him with fear in my eyes. He starts to rub me on my private area, I began to back away but I bump into the counter. He picks me up and puts me on the counter and starts feeling on me. "Jer-je-jeremy w-what are you doing?" I questioned him nervously, he didn't bother to answer me he just kept doing what he's doing. I began to cry afraid to make a move afraid to see what will happen next, suddenly, he wipes away my tears and says "shh no need to cry sweetie." I flinch when he touches me. Jeremy picks me up and carries me up the stairs, I figured what was about to happen so I start kicking my feet and trying to scream but I couldn't he covered my mouth and took me to my room and threw me on my bed. "why are you doing this?" I asked as I start scooting back. He was now unbuckling his pants and made sure my room door was locked. "I'm gonna tell my brother what your doing!" I shouted. "shut the fuck up your not telling no one." he scolded while clenching his jaw and holding my face with his big hands. "what if I do." I said quietly. He started digging in his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife and put it under my chin. "then I'll have to kill you." he insisted. I had a huge lump in my throat I wanted to swallow so bad but if I did tears will come out. I swallowed the lump anyways and tears came rushing out my big brown eyes. He started removing my clothing piece by piece and next thing you know he was inside of me. "Jeremy please stop it." I cried while beating him in his back while scratching him. Whatever I yelled or screamed he didn't care he just pleased himself. He grabbed my hands and pinned them down his grip was so tight he made bruises on my wrist. I began kicking and screaming and crying but that didn't stop him from doing what he does. "Jeremy please stop you're hurting meeee!" I yelled with fear and pain in my eyes. He didn't care he just kept thrusting in and out of me and was kissing me. After a while he stopped and left a hickey on my chest. Once he put his clothes back on he left my room and shut the door. I layed there in my bed crying for him raping me and taking away my virginity I couldn't believe it. I wrapped myself In my sheets and cried myself to sleep.

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