Chapter 4

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"Brook!" Nolen yells as he pounds on my restroom door "Are you ok!" I want to say something but it seems as if something is holding me down. Fear. I'm afraid to move I can't say a thing. Fwoosh! My bathroom door swings open as Nolen bursts in here. "Oh my gosh Brookie are you okay?!" He yells as he wraps my towel around me. I know it hurts him to see me this way. I tremble as he helps me afraid that I might get touched. "It's okay Brook I got you" he says as he picks me up and carries me to my room and when he lightly drops me on my bed I began to scream like a crazy woman kicking and screaming while scratching him. "Get away from me!! Go away! Stop please!!" I yell. "What the hell! Brook what has gotten into you?!" He yells while questioning me. I stop then fidget a bit I began crying I truly didn't mean to do all of that but as soon as he dropped me on that bed it reminded me of what had happened earlier when Jeremy threw me on to my bed. I guess you could say I was paranoid. Nolen tilts his head and looks at me as if I had a bug on my face or something. "Uh you okay?" He asks me. I look around my room no sign of Jeremy. It takes me a minute before I say anything "y-yeah I-i-I'm fine." I stutter quietly. He scratches his head and gives me a look as if I'm up to something "Alright then" he says as he began to walk out of my room, once he shuts the door I hop out of bed and run straight to it then lock it and finally let out a sigh of relief. Once I'm fully dressed and ready for bed I start to write in my journal. Knock knock. I'm afraid to ask who it is. I hear the knock again and then suddenly Nolen's voice "Open up Brooklynn it's me." I jump. As soon as I get to the door Nolen has somehow seem to already unlock it. "Time for dinner" he says "Okay" I reply. Once I'm done with dinner I tell Nolen goodnight and give him a kiss on the cheek, he wishes me sweet dreams and next thing you know I'm in bed knocked out sleeping again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2016 ⏰

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