Chapter 3

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Kim sat in front of her wardrobe throwing everything onto her bed before throwing herself on top of it all and bursting into tears. ‘Kim, you ok’ came a voice from the doorway, ‘What do you want Sally’ Kimberley cried as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand. ‘What's wrong Kim?’ she asked, her voice full of sympathy as she placed her hand on Kim’s back. ‘Why do I have to be different? Why can’t I have the latest fashions and go drinking at the weekends? Maybe then I’d actually have friends’ she screamed. Sally climbed onto her bed and lay down beside her sister before wrapping her arms around her as she cried. ‘Babe, you don’t need to be the same as everyone else, It can be good to be different sometimes. Don’t change for no one, ok? Now dry those tears’ she whispered as she wiped Kim’s tears away with her thumbs.

Kimberley continued to stare into Cheryl’s eyes as Cheryl slowly entered the room and took a seat beside her. After a while, Cheryl took Kim’s hand in hers but Kim immediately pulled away. ‘I’m so sorry Kim, I really am, I let it go to far and I’m sorry’ Cheryl cried, Kim stared at her before turning away. Finally Kim turned back to face her, ‘Sorry is just not good enough, Why are you crying Cheryl, have you finally realised what a *Female Dog* you are?’ Kim screamed, Cheryl dropped her head to stare at the floor and nodded sadly, ‘well it’s a bit late for that don’t you think? You ripped my heart out and shredded it and now you choose to care?’ Kim continued to scream, ‘You make me sick’ Kim finally spoke calmly. The tears flowed freely down both girls faces. Suddenly a doctor walked in, ‘is everything ok?’ he asked with a worried tone to his voice. They both just nodded and continued to stare at the ground.

Cheryl stood outside Kim’s front door once again and raised her hand to knock just as the door flew open. ‘Hey’ said the rather cute boy with a grin, Cheryl smiled at him, ‘hi, I’m Cheryl’, he returned the gesture, ‘Adam, nice to meet you’ he said with a flirty wink before walking off down the garden path. He turned back to face her once at the gate, ‘oh and my sisters just through there, I’ll be back at 5 if you want to get a bite to eat’ he smirked. Cheryl just found herself nodding in response before he disappeared from her sight. Cheryl entered the house, closing the door behind her and wandered into the lounge, Kim glanced up at her, looking terrified as she entered the room. Cheryl walked straight over to the sofa, sat down and rested her feet on the coffee table. ‘So, what are we doing today then’ Cheryl smirked, Kim just shrugged and sat completely still. ‘Come on Kim, come up here and sit with me gorgeous’, Kim remained completely still, ‘don’t be such a wuss Kimberley, come the *Duck* on’ Cheryl snapped. Kim just obeyed and walked over to the seat next to Cheryl.

Cheryl grinned wickedly at Kim before pushing her back on the sofa, pinning her arms above her head by her wrists. Kim just kept silent as Cheryl’s lips crashed into hers, soon she found herself kissing back, the passion building as Cheryl clambered on top of her. She soon found her clothes being removed as Cheryls mouth connected with her breast. Kim breathed heavily as Cheryl’s hand edged lower. Her breathing hitched as Cheryls fingers entered her and her mouth continued to suck on her breast. Kim finally screamed Cheryl’s name as she was sent over the edge.

Cheryl continued to put her clothes on whilst Kim just stared at her, ‘What? Cat got your tongue, stop staring you stalker! See you at school freak!’ she glared at Kim one last time before walking out of the front door. Kim quickly put her clothes on before walking towards the window. She pulled back the curtain and saw Cheryl stood there flirting with her brother, their fingers firmly entwined together. The tears slowly made their way down her cheeks, one thing she knew was that she was dreading school tomorrow.

Cheryl lent down and placed a light kiss on Kim’s lips, ‘Get lost Cheryl, I’m not going there anymore’ Kim snapped, ‘why?’ Cheryl replied, Kim looked at her, gobsmacked, ‘Why? You are seriously asking why? Because Cheryl, every time I've gone there in the past, I have end up hurt the next day! I can not believe you are seriously asking me that question! Just go!’ Kim screamed.

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