Chapter 10

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Kimberley traipsed back upstairs to her room as she felt the depressed thoughts overtake her body. She walked over to her bed and held a pillow to her body tightly, taking deep breaths as she did so. Trying to control her breathing as she glanced over to the blade tucked away on the book shelf. She swallowed as she took another deep breath. She shut her eyes and scrunched them tight, squeezing her thists together. She opened her eyes again and slowly made her way towards the shelf, picking the blade up and twirling it between her fingers. She rolled up her sleeve and bit her lip as the blade sliced her skin, she did it a few more times repeatedly until she felt the blood trickle down her wrist giving her that satisfying feeling.

Suddenly she heard the door open downstairs followed by some voices heading up the stairs. She quickly rolled down her sleeve, accidentally dropping the blade in the process. Before she had time to pick it up the door had opened to reveal Cheryl and Nadine. ‘Kimba’ Cheryl whispered as she poked her head around the door, Kim put on her best smile actually releaved to see the girl. ‘Hey! What are you doing here?’ Kim exclaimed, Cheryl bit her lip in embaressment before turning to face her again, ‘I missed you and I hated the thought of you being alone’ she mumbled. Kim smiled the first real smile in a while as she realised that Cheryl obviously did care. ‘Did you want to go downstairs and watch a film?’ Cheryl mumbled nervously, Kim nodded with a smile, ‘lead the way’ she whispered. Kim felt shocked, she never thought someone would ever care about her, especially not Cheryl Tweedy but she liked it. Her eyes sparkled for the first time in ages as she followed the girls downstairs to the lounge.

Cheryl, Kimberley and Nadine were curled up on the sofa watching Dirty Dancing for the hundreth time when the front door burst open. ‘CHERYL ANN TWEEDY! Get your butt out here NOW’ yelled Joan, Kimberley flinched as she sent Cheryl a worried look. Joan suddenly stormed into the room with her hands on her hips. ‘Are you about to explain to me why you walked out of school’ shouted Joan with an angry expression. Cheryl remained silent, probably not the best thing to do in such a situation. Kimberley remained quiet not sure what to do, she shared a quick glance with Nadine and then returned her gaze to her lap. ‘School phoned they were really angry that you and Nadine thought you could just walk off school premises whenever you felt like it’ Joan fumed. ‘If you hadnt have gone against your promise and left Kimba alone then I wouldn’t have had too’ Cheryl screamed. Joan glared at her, ‘That is NO reason to just leave school. I know you care a lot about Kimberley but she is capable of taking care of herself for a little while. You do NOT need to remain in her pocket 24/7 Cheryl. I only went to the shop and then I had to go to speak to Gary’s teacher. I am so fuming at you right now. Just go to your room and do your homework’ snapped Joan before storming into the kitchen and slamming the door shut.

Kimberley carefully placed her hand on Cheryl’s thigh as Cheryl remained silent. I’m sorry’ Kim whispered, that seemed to snap Cheryl out of her silent daze. ‘W-what? You have nothing to be sorry for babe, its not your fault! You didn’t tell me to leave school plus she shouldn’t have left you’ Cheryl stated indignantly. Nadine smiled gently as she stood up, ‘I should go, I’ll see you tomorrow though’ she whispered sporting a sad smile. She returned her gaze to Kimberley, ‘It was good seeing you Kimberley…Out of a hospital bed anyways, Im glad that you are better’ she smiled. Cheryl just dropped her mouth open slightly, not sure what Nadine had meant. ‘Thanks Nadine’ Kim whispered before Nadz made her way to the front door and let herself out. Kim turned to facxe Cheryl who was still showing the same expression. ‘What’ Kim asked quietly, Cheryl turned to face her with watery eyes, ‘what did she mean by that’ Cheryl exclaimed. Kim bowed her head, ‘by what’ she whispered although she had a fairly good idea what she was talking about. ‘Out of a hospital bed? Don’t act dumb!’ Cheryl stated, still confused, ‘Oh Nadine came to visit me in hospital, she was really nice about it actually’ Kim smiled. Cheryl grinned, ‘Yeah?’ she said with a questioning tone, ‘Yeah’ Kim confirmed, ‘thankyou for telling them Cheryl, it means a lot that they are finally accepting me, I didn’t feel like my life was worth living before but now…I have a bit of my life back and I’m getting happy again…maybe slowly but I am getting there’ Kim whispered bashfully. Cheryl smiled a huge smile, ‘like I said, I love you and I will prove it to you but for now I will just settle for being your friend…If you will have me?’ Cheryl mumbled. Kim just nodded before wrapping her arms around Cheryl’s neck.

As Kim pulled away, Cheryl grabbed hold of Kim’s wrist, ‘Whats this’ she exclaimed as she noticed the dried blood that had soaked through her shirt. ‘Uh’ Kim stuttered, ‘I-i-I’m sorry, I just panicked’ she continued as her tears began to fall. ‘Oh baby, this is why I didn’t want you to be left alone, you NEED to get this seen too’ Cheryl stated. Kim sniffed, ‘I I I know, im sorry’ she cried. ‘Awww baby, I’m not telling you off. I just care about you Kimba and I don’t want you hurting yourself…especially not over me’ Cheryl let the tears fall. ‘Its not over you anymore though…I mean, yeah it was coz of you guys and the bullying originally but now… its as if a switch just flips and one minute im happy and the next I feel really down…I’m sorry’ she cried as she buried her face in her hands. Cheryl felt her heart breaking as she wrapped her arms tightly around Kim’s shaking body. ‘Awwww baby, I know. Come on…Lets get this cleaned up…I’m going to help you through this…I want to help you through this…I want to be there for you’ Cheryl whispered as she took Kim’s hand and lead her upstairs.

After finally cleaning Kim’s arm up, Cheryl sat on the edge of the bed and stroked Kim’s face gently. ‘I’m sorry’ Kim whispered, ‘Hey! Stop saying sorry, it’s ok, I don’t blame you babe, I get it, I do’ Cheryl whispered as an attempt to try and calm Kim down. ‘Please stay with me’ Kim mumbled through a sleepy voice, ‘ok babe, ok’ Cheryl smiled before laying down behind Kim on the bed. Kim turned around to face her, their faces just inches apart as Kim suddenly lent in and placed her lips on Cheryls before pulling away just as quickly. ‘S-s-sorry, my heads just all over the place’ she stammered as more tears began to fall. ‘It’s ok babe, Yeah I love you and Yeah I would do anything to be with you properly but at this moment I am concentrating on being your friend because I get that that is what you need now more than anything, ok? I will wait for as long as it takes though’ Cheryl stated as she placed a kiss on Kim’s forehead. Kim smiled, ‘thankyou’ she whispered as Cheryl slipped her arms around her waist and Kim shut her eyes allowing sleep to overcome her.

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