Oh Daddy

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It had become apparent many years ago that Lori would never be my biggest fan. Mine and Stevie's relationship had never been a particularly placid one, especially during the period she met us, and often Lori would only hear about it from her if there were issues. Though, I knew how much my wife had always valued her friendship after losing her childhood best friend so young, and so I never sought to sabotage their interactions for my own short-term benefit- this is how I found myself attending breakfast with Stevie, Lori, and Brad the morning after his unexpected arrival on our tour.
"I spoke to Lori on the phone earlier an-"
"You were awake earlier?"
"I was nervous, I couldn't sleep...Anyway, she apologised and invited us to a late breakfast so please comb your balding head because we need to make a move, I can't afford to be late today!"
"Balding?!" I obscured her view of the mirror to worriedly check my hair from all angles. "Yeh right!" I crossed my arms defiantly, raising an eyebrow, having found no sign of thinning.
"I was kidding. Calm your shit." I grinned as I watched her fluff her hair and smooth her dress.
"What?" She said as she noticed my expression.
"Come here."
"Here," I pointed my finger at my chest and heard the click of her heels as she confusedly came to stand near me. I held her waist, pulling her to stand between my legs, leaning my chin on her soft shoulder. Her own arms wrapped around my shoulders, as she breathed into my neck.
"I love you. You know that right?"
"Of course I do. I love you too honey."
"It's just last night you...Seemed a little upset after we..."
"It was emotional."
"Ok...I just want to make sure we're ok."
"Of course we are. Lindsey I-" She placed my hand onto her abdomen. "I'm praying that your child is growing inside of me."
"Oh Steph...Me too baby, me too."
We held each other again for a while, her pounding heart against me providing a rhythm to my thoughts.
We eventually made a move as she noticed the time, holding hands as we left for this potentially painful experience. I nodded at Brad first as we entered, with what I hoped appeared to be a relaxed smile. He reciprocated with a firm handshake, luckily not acknowledging our lone, previous meeting in very different circumstances. Stevie acted similarly, hugging and whispering to an apologetic-looking Lori before coming to sit beside me, stroking my tense leg as Brad cleared his throat. "You guys were superb last night."
Stevie gushed get thanks and I waved it off playfully. We continued to make small talk about the weather in the city, and its sights that me & Stevie might not find time to see. Brad similarly complained that his work schedule would keep him from an extended stay, my heart secretly leaping as I nodded along, squeezing Stevie's hand. Lori was relatively mute, obviously partially enthralled by her new lover, and nervous about her treatment of Stevie the previous night.
Soon the coffee pot was drained and the plates empty- time to part ways. "So what is everyone up to on their day off?"
"Back to bed, I'm exhausted. Lindsey are you coming with me or going for a walk?"
Stuck between my need for fresh air, need for Stevie's touch, and need to appear untouchable in every way before this (ex)rival, I mumbled a semi-deceit about feeling a little tired too. Brad and Lori seemed genuinely content with each other as they walked away, off to a museum.
"They're happy right?" Stevie asked as she linked her arm into mine, pressing the lift button.
"I think so yeh."
"& of course you were watching Brad the whole time for any signs of lingering attraction to me."
"Ssh! And don't think I don't know you're not tired, you had a long lie in and now you'll be restless coming back up with me to save face."
"I'm not tired but I do want to go to bed."
She flicked my arm but smirked. "Not in public!"
"You agreed to meet them for dinner later? Stevie you dragged me around about a hundred shops this afternoon I really am tired now!"
"Oh Lindsey Lori is family. I need to show my support."
"They are not exactly going to be coming for Christmas goddamitt!"
She huffed. "You're genuinely expecting to invite them?" I yelled, not really thinking she'd consider it.
"So that's just your decision now?"
"You want him around?!"
"Him? We've invited Lori every year since she divorced Chris, why are you twisting my words! Plus, you offered to take me shopping!"
"I didn't think."
"No, you didn't."
We walked to the restaurant in silence, a huge smile illuminating Stevie's face when she caught a chirpy-looking Lori & Brad in her vision. I lovingly rubbed the small of her back over her soft silk dress as we greeted them, regretting my snapping, though she casually brushed it off her leg once we sat down.
"Oh the gallery was just superb. You'd have loved it Stevie!" Lori gushed, Brad nodding along.
"I'm not really art-mad to be honest, and I wouldn't pay a dime to look at the glued together trash they're calling 'modern' nowadays, but most of it was paintings and they were just beautiful."
"Ah Lindsey likes paintings, don't you?"
"Oh, uh yeh." I replied feebly, surprised by Stevie's address.
"Anything in particular?"
"Whatever looks good. Though I'm just a humble guitarist, Stevie is the painter here."
She shrugged, "I'm not professional or anything, it's a little hobby."
She didn't elaborate, though me and Lori knew she begun painting as a form of therapy after Robin's death.
"Being nice now are we?" I whispered against her ear as Brad and Lori were temporarily obscured by the oversized menus.
"I wouldn't count on it, and it was you who started this!"
"Maybe I want you to be naughty?"
"What are you getting Stevie?" I asked at my normal volume as Lori & Brad lowered their menus. "Are you quite hungry?" I gripped her thigh.
"I'd say I was just as hungry as usual..."
We quickly chose dishes and the waiter took away the menus. The conversation continued, mainly between Lori & Stevie, though my hand drew nearer to her centre. Brad & I began to pitch in more as Stevie's secret frustration rendered her more silent, my mood brightening as I felt her wetness seep through her panties, the odd gasp or moan noticeable to me. The lighting was dim and luckily the waiter remained oblivious to our shenanigans as he delivered our food. Stevie flinched as I moved my fingers away from her, taking a piece of salad with my hand, dramatically licking my fingertips- still salty from her fluids. "Mm it tastes so good Stevie, want to try some?" Her eyes widened in shock but she simply mumbled a "No thanks," in order to maintain normality.
Once we'd finished the food, Brad went off to get more drinks as a thanks to us, and Lori went to the bathroom- a little surprised when Stevie politely declined to accompany her. "Lind-" she began in a half-fury as soon as we were alone, but was shortly cut off by my passionate kiss. "Baby you're so wet," I noted, feeling her again as she moaned a little. "Please let me finish you, you deserve it."
"If fingering me while my ex-sister in law and ex-boyfriend watches is your idea of making it up to me after your shitfit earlier..."
"Baby that's not all I want to do for you..." I reassured as I delved inside her panties, slowly circling her clit.
"Oh god this is torture."
"You've been a bad, bad baby girl."
"Oh daddy." She discreetly articulated in exasperation, falling into our typical sexual play, my already erect member throbbing.
"Mm that's right, daddy's going to fuck this tight little girl and show her how to behave properly."
"Shit," she straightened up as Brad came back over, conveniently distracted by balancing the tray of drinks.

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