What If (BTS end)

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Shira - Bold
V - Slant
Others - None
Underline - blah blahs
Alternate ending for BTS X EXO

Setting: somewhere in  Korea


Shira's Pov

I was one afternoon to the park to relax a bit, as I arrived, there was a big crowed as I try to squish in an see what they were crowding about I saw V of BTS .-. I was dumb founded right in the spot, as my instincts came I dashed to V and grabbed his hand and we started to run from the massive pool of fangirls.

As we hid into the Lobby of EXO's dorm (which where I live too hekhek)

V and I were catching our breaths and eventually started to stare at each other due to shock of the happenings.

V: emmm thank you?... 0.O

Shira:... You're welcome... I'm Shira...
I'm a big fa...

As I was about to finish my sentence I suddenly felt dizzy and eventually I fainted, I didn't hit on a hard surface but it was mushy.

-1 hour later-

As I opened my eyes, it was blurry then it became clear, huh? This isn't Exo's Dorm! Where am I?!

As I checked my surroundings I see 3 beautiful gods of goodlookingness.

This must be a dream huh? V, Jungkook and Rap Monster in front of me?

Uhm uhm.. What.. Hi.. How'd I get here.. Are you angels why'd you look fine tho.. I'm still too young... (Shira)

No, you're not dead lmao, you we're in a come for 4 years. I didn't want to leave you there so I brought you to our dorm (V)

Dang I was right you really are an alien you don't age...I was asleep for 4 YEARS?!!! (Shira)

*Rapmon hits V on the head*
Aish, don't worry little lady, you were just asleep for a day. Don't believe anything hé says, he may look nice but no. *laughs*
By the way V me and Jungkook is gonna stay at my mothers house for the week, wanna tag?

Jaaaaah.. Wait, Shira? You going back to where ever you from? (V)

*in mind (damn both EXO M and K are on tour they'll be back in a week aish I don't wanna be alone in the dorm, hekhekhel)*

No.. I don't even got a place to stay yet
*I sound flirty wth* (Shira)

Well I'm not going Rapmon,Jungkook I'll be with Shira for a week i guess, she's gonna accompany me meanwhile, she's gonna stay here for a while. (V)

What have I gotten myself into....

*A day after* (6 more days to go)

Shira makes bacon with scrambled eggs as V requested the day before.

*V comes out his room*

You remind me of my mom *smiles*

You remind me of my octopus.

I mean you can make a good wife someday, like my mom. *stares* and who makes an octopus as a pet?

*blushes* *poker face real quick* You're just hungry, your face is quite similar to my octopus pshhh..
*serves the breakfast and sits across him*

*Few hours later, afternoon 4 Pm*

Shira, I got some tickets from a water park wanna go? NO, your required to go huehuehue, get ready in 2 hours and we'll go.
*dashes away*

I haven't even said anything you little alien, be thankful your V OF BTS AND MY BIAS YOU LITTLE AJJSJSJA CUTE AJAJA
*also dashes to the room*

You really are interesting and unpredictable
*walks away from the opposite side of the wall Shira was and heard everything*

*At the water park (animals)*

Wow you look like a uncle who kidnaps young beautiful girls like me,
*holds laughter while looking at V*

Aish I don't kidnap fat chubby girl you're hard to carry if so, look an aquarium.
*holds Shira's hand and dashes to the aquarium*

*V hasn't let go of Shira's hand*



YOURE IN THE TANK LOOK *Points at a octopus*


*2 days after (4 more days till Exo K and M comes back)

*Shira's phone rings *



Find out on the next and last update! Of the special ending for BTS end!

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