Chapter 3: Arrival

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Zach and I were almost off the faerie, which I was grateful for because I wasn't too fond of waiting. As we waited to get off the boat, I scanned the crowd on the docks and noticed a familiar head of brunette hair. I tapped Zach on the shoulder to get his attention but he brushed me off. I rolled my eyes and looked back into the crowd, but the familiar person had disappeared.

"Where's Aunt Claire?" I asked once we disembarked. Zach and I scanned the crowd but didn't find Aunt Claire in the masses of people.

"Hey, look over there," Zach said as he pointed over the heads of the people. I tried to look at whatever he had spotted, but I couldn't see. Zach started to walk through the crowd and I followed closely behind him. Finally, I could see what he was pointing at. A familiar looking girl about Zach's age was leaning against a motorbike and holding a sign with our names on it. I ran towards her, abandoning Zach, who was trying to grab me.

"Hi! I'm Gray," I told the girl once I got to her. She gave me a wide smile,

"I know. I've met you before. Of course, you might not remember me. I'm-"

"Blake?" Zach cut her off as he caught up with me. Blake looked over at him and shot him a toothy grin,

"Hey, Zach. You're tall now!" She exclaimed as she gestured her hand at him. He nodded and looked down, hiding a smile.

"Why are you blushing?" I asked him. He glared at me as Blake laughed. I shrugged my shoulders and moved to look at her bike, "Cool bike. How long have you been riding?" Blake stopped laughing and shrugged,

"A couple of years. But I have to get you two to the Innovation Center, your Aunt is waiting for you." Blake moved the bike away from the walking path before waving for us to follow her. "Come on. We don't want you two getting lost!" She called over her shoulder. Zach was the first to start following her and I followed soon after, smirking at how flustered Zach looked.


We were following Blake through the center of the park and listening to her safety talk.

"I could tell you about proper attire and safety precautions, but I'm not gonna, cause I think that stuff's boring," She said as she looked at us over her shoulder. I rolled my eyes and Zach scoffed at her. "Your Aunt, Claire, said that she would meet you here after I got you from the docks so that she could say hi and give you your stuff," Blake explained while we walked toward a large building in the middle of the park. I ran ahead, ignoring Blake's calls, and pushed the heavy wooden doors open. I saw all types of holograms and video screens playing different information. I gazed around in amazement before Zach and Blake caught up to me.

"Hey, don't wander off, alright? Mom's not paying me for babysitting," Zach grumbled as he pulled me away from one of the holographic screens. Blake rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as we walked through the building,

"Let the kid look, that's what the stuff is here for," She pointed out.

"Gray, is that you?" I heard my name being called from up ahead. I looked over and saw Aunt Claire walking down the stairs. I smiled and ran over to her,

"Aunt Claire!" I shouted as I gave her a tight hug. I heard her hang up on someone before she patted my back,

"My gosh, you're so sweet!" Aunt Claire awkwardly pulled away but gave me a smile before looking up at Zach. "Woah, Zach, last time I saw you, you were like," She gestured with her hand about how short Zach used to be, "That must have been at least three or four years-"

"Seven. Seven years, but, you know, close" Zach snapped. Blake smacked his shoulder and whispered something harshly at him as Aunt Claire's smile faltered.

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