Chapter 9: More Teeth

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  The brief moment of peace was interrupted by the familiar footsteps of the Indominous Rex. The ground trembled as it rounded the corner, coming to stand in front of the group of smaller creatures. The raptors turned toward the larger dinosaur, their eyes curious and their stances guarded. The Indominous let out a low chirp, but the raptors did nothing. Blue turned her head to look at her alpha. Blake looked back at her raptor with fear, she had no idea what was going to happen. This wasn't a training simulation, this was real life. Blue softly chirped at Blake before turning around. She screeched at the Indominous and lowered her stance, Echo and Delta followed suit. Blue charged at the Indominous, but the larger creature swept her away. Blake gasped as she watched her raptor hit a cement wall. Anger, sadness, and fear bubbled up inside her as she fixed her glare on the Indominous. After giving a shrill whistle, Delta and Echo eagerly attacked the large dinosaur.

  "We've got to move," Owen rushed as he grabbed Blake's arm. He tugged her along and ushered the group to a souvenir kiosk. Blake groaned as the pain in her arm flared up again. Her dad loaded his gun and rushed out, careful not to be seen. Nothing was heard in the small hut except for the harsh breathing of the frazzled group and the roaring and screeching from outside accompanied by a few gunshots. Zach looked over at Blake. Her face was scrunched up in pain and her braids had mostly come undone. She was cradling her left arm to her chest, pushing her elbow in an unnatural position. He wanted to say something but was too scared of drawing attention to their small hiding place. Instead, he reached over and put a hand on her shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Blake looks over and gives him a small smile, though, it didn't reach her eyes.

    "24, 50," Grey mumbles under his breath. He watches with wide eyes as the Indominus throws the raptors off, almost unaffected. "We need more," He said a bit louder, trying to catch someone's attention.

  "More what?" Blake whispers. Everyone had turned to Grey for an answer. He looked at everyone before giving, what seemed to him, the obvious answer.

    "More teeth," Realization dawned on everyone's face, but how where are they going to get more teeth without causing more destruction? Claire stood straight and grabbed a walkie talkie and a flare from the first aid kit on the wall.

  "Right, well, you all just wait here. It's going to be just fine," She said. Though more to herself than to anyone else. Before anyone could question her, she left. 

    Claire ran away from the main area of the park letting the roars and screeches fade into the background. As she ran she switched on the walkie talkie and hoped that someone was still in the Control Room.

  "Lowery, are you still there?" Claire panted into the receiver. There was a pause before static came from the speaker.

    "Hey, where are you?" Lowery's garbled voice asked.

  "I need you to open Paddock Nine," Claire slowed to a stop as she arrived at a large metal door.

    "Paddock Nine? Are you kidding?" Lowery exclaimed.

  "Damn it, Lowery, be a man and do something for once in your life!" Claire whisper shouted as she looked into the security camera. Claire threw the walkie talkie down with a loud clatter, then lit the flare. After a moment, the door opened. There was complete darkness behind it, but the flare provided a finite amount of red light. The familiar rumble of footsteps sent a cold sweat down Claires back. She held the flare tighter when she saw the light reflecting back to her. She could feel the warm breath from inside the paddock. She took a few steps backward before turning, breaking into a run. The shaking of the ground assured her that the Tyrannosaurus followed behind her.

    Owen watched as Claire hopped out of the kiosk and ran off. He turned and fired several shots at the Indominous just before it picked up a raptor and threw it onto a grill. The poor thing was swallowed in the flames, its screeches silenced. Owen ran toward the kiosk just as the Indominous' tail hit the ember he was hiding behind. He slid into the small hut, landing in front of the three kids with a finger to his lips. The Indominous' low growl resonated inside Owen's chest. He watched as the kid's eyes widened. Owen turned around just as the Indominous' claw came crashing into the hut. The man tried his best to shield all three children, they all moved further back, feeling the wood of the walls pressing them toward the creature. The long talons scratched against the concrete floor, coming close to Grey's legs. Blake pulled Grey's legs in, roughly, keeping her wide eyes on the black claws. The claws opened wider and reached farther, managing to graze Blake and grasp Grey's fanny pack. Grey cried in silent terror as his grip on Zach and Blake tightened. Blake and Owen pulled with all their might against the Indominous. Zach could feel panic radiating through his fingers as he grasped his brother. His fingers found the buckled and shook as he squeezed it. The buckle gave way and the Indominous took the fanny pack, leaving behind all four humans.

    The thundering of giant footsteps, followed by the clattering of bones, distracted the Indominous. Two loud roars echoed through the night. Blake, Zach, Grey, and Owen peaked through the window of the kiosk and saw the T-Rex and the Indominous biting and snapping at each other. The Indominous knocked the T-Rex over, pushing the slightly smaller dinosaur toward the hut. The T-Rex's snout was pushed through the side of the small building, causing parts of the roof to crumble. Owen held the children close, shielding them as best he could. Blake buried her face in Zach's chest as the T-Rex roared. The whole hut started to shake as the Idominous dragged the T-Rex up.

  "Run!" Claire's voice broke everyone from their stupor. Owen pushed the group through the hole in the wall and toward Claire. They ran as fast as their tired legs would carry them. As they came to kneel beside Claire, the T-Rex seemed to cry for help or mercy. The Indominous stalked toward the dinosaur, ready to end the fight when a sharp bark interrupted the tense silence. Everyone looked to see where the sound came from. Blue, now recovered, ran toward the Indominous with a fierce look in her eyes. Blake almost cheered as her raptor jumped off o the T-Rex and onto the Indominous' back. The T-Rex stood up as the Indominous tried to shake Blue off. The Tyrannosaur bite down on the Indominous' neck, dragging it around.

     "Oh, fuck!" Blake yelled as the fight moved closer to the group. The teen stood and pulled Grey up just as the rest of the group stood. They ran toward the shop which stood behind them. As they traveled through the shop, Blue crashed through the window. Owen kept anyone from walking forward till Blue had left. The group ran until the shop ended which is where they watched as the T-Rex pulled the Indominous closer to the Mosasaur tank. The white dinosaur was thrown onto the ground, breaking the railing around the tank. It slowly stood up as the T-Rex and Blue stood ready. Suddenly, the mosasaur emerged from the water, bringing its jaws down onto the Indominous. A strained roar came from the Indominous before it was dragged into the water, never to be seen again.

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