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"Our last high school party huh? Time flies," Quinn sat on my bed, peering into her tiny makeup mirror. 

"Funny because I don't even wanna go," I sighed, shifting through my closet.

 "Yes you do. Actually try to have fun this time," she came and stood next to me, looking for her own outfit.

 Quinn was rich. Her parents had one of those jobs were they just kind of paid them to exist. But with all of that money she had at her fingertips, she always chose to be modest. And by modest I mean, she'll wear all my clothes and return them two weeks later. 

"I have a boyfriend Quinn, fun is not accessible," I joked. "Well break up with him," she winked at me. 

"Not funny," I rolled my eyes. 

"Hilarious actually." 

I never wore dresses, out of all the high school parties I had ever been too, I never saw wearing a dress as necessary. I pulled out my spaghetti strapped, white lace crop top, and some denim shorts. 

"If you wear that you have to put all your earrings in Kassidy," Quinn was staring at the outfit in my hands as she pulled her shirt off. 

I had my double piercing in both ears, and my cartilage pierced on my left. 


"Because it looks hot. Just do it," Quinn pulled on one of my other crop tops and looked at herself in the mirror.

The thing about Quinn was, we were so much alike. We both had bossy, snappy attitudes and sarcasm was our native language. I shrugged and grabbed all my earrings out of my jewelry box; I grabbed a few rings and randomly placed them on fingers. 

"Kassidy Victoria Evans, get your hair out of that shitty ponytail and let it flow," Quinn grabbed the back of my head and pulled my hair tie out. 

"Ow! That hurt!" I whined, rubbing my head. 

"Life hurts, c'mon, let's go," she put the hair tie on my wrist and strutted towards the door. 

"Quinn, I haven't even changed yet!" I called after her. 

I stripped off my old clothes and quickly stepped into my new ones. I slipped on some sandals, and ruffled my hair around. I grabbed my phone and some money, and a tube of Chap Stick and hurried out the door. 

"Bye mom!" I called as I met Quinn at the door in the kitchen. 

"Kassidy? I didn't even know you were still here. Owen left half an hour ago," she walked quietly into the kitchen and over to the fridge. 

"Oh you know us Mrs. Evans, always fashionably late," Quinn smiled. 

"Very true, have fun girls," my mom returned the smile and we hurried out the door. We hopped in my car and as I was backing out, Quinn turned down the radio.

"I have a question," her tone had changed. 

"I might have an answer."

 "I know you're my best friend Kass, and we tell each other everything but, have you ever thought about... sleeping with Mason?" she whispered the last three words and I choked on the carbon dioxide I had exhaled.

 "Why the hell are you asking me this?" I stole a quick look at her as I drove down the street. 

"Because, we're all going to school in like a month, these are important things to consider," she was calmly thinking like we were conversing about the weather. 

"Well of course I've thought about it. He's my boyfriend, every girl thinks about it once. Does that mean I'm going to make my thoughts a reality? No," I replied. 

I was a virgin. Quinn was virgin. Owen was a virgin, and I only know that because he prefers coming to me about all his "sex related questions and conversations" rather than my parents. Mason... who actually knows what the hell he is.

"I was just wondering. I mean, it already sucks that I don't have a boyfriend going into college, but I'm still a virgin too." 

"So?" I scrunched my nose at her. 

"No one is a virgin in college, Kassidy. No one. At least you have the opportunity to lose it. And with a super hot guy,"Quinn pouted. 

"Quinn Elizabeth, you are a beautiful girl, you could easily find some douchebag to hook up with tonight," I grinned at her. 

"Um no. I'd rather not get an STD."

 I laughed as she squirmed in her seat, and parked across the street from the mansion that Patrick and his younger brother lived in. Quinn and I stepped out of my car and stood in the middle of the strangely car free street. Hormonal teenagers were stumbling around, and throwing up in trash cans that were sitting in the driveway. 

"The future of America, ladies and gents," Quinn was shaking her head as we walked through the yard to the front door.

 "Gotta love us teens."  

As we walked up the front stops, the front door swung open and a large kid in a football jersey was laughing in our faces. Once he noticed there were actually people in his presence, he scanned our bodies up and down.

"Ladies," A drunk smiled slid onto his face, andI threw up in mouth. 

"Don't even think about it," Quinn pushed him to the side,and we hurried past him, into the house. 

I kicked a red solo cup as I stepped in, and all I saw were bodies interconnected with each other. I felt everyone's sweat on my own forehead. 

"So what should we do first?" Iasked looking around. 

The music was so loud I was wondering if she could hear me. 

"I don't know, let's go to the kitchen!" she practically yelled in my ear. 

Her hand found it's grip on my wrist and she pulled me through the crowd to the back of the house. We stumbled into the kitchen, catching our breath. I wiped the sweat of strangers off my arm and looked around the kitchen. The island was covered in every alcoholic drink you could think of, and there were red and blue solo cups scattered everywhere. Some people were drunk, others were standing around talking, and of course, some were making out. 

"Why don't you and Mason ever make out in corners like that?" Quinn questioned as we judged the couple from afar. 

"I promised my grandma when I was seven that I wouldn't become a slut, and a girl can never break a promise," I smiled at her. 

She rolled her eyes and laughed off my comment. Suddenly out of nowhere, her body jolted to a stiff position, then she screamed. 


so this is really another 'setting the scene' chapter. I want everyone to remember Quinn because she's a very very important character in this story. i promise you the next chapter will most likely be the last one to set the scene, but it's also the cutest scene I have written for this story. pay attention to Quinn, who she is plays a big role in the dynamic of the story. okay, all seriousness aside... LOVE YOU GUYS, SO EXCITED FOR YOU TO SEE THE DIRECTION THIS STORY WILL GO IN. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING, ENJOY WINTER BREAK YA BEAUTIFUL HUMANS

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