f o u r

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I smiled at him, and we started making our way through the crowd. It took a good five minutes before we actually found the door. I stepped outside and looked over my shoulder as Mason had stopped and started talking to Dylan. 

"I'll be there in a sec," he said. 

I just shrugged and hurried down the steps. Walking down the driveway, I stopped confused. It was empty. Not a single person was in the yard, and Quinn was never late. Ever. 

"Quinn?" I called out. 

She couldn't be in the backyard, the gates were locked, and the back door was the one thing off limits for some reason. I pulled out my phone to see if she had texted me, and she hadn't. I sent her a message asking her where she was but it was taking forever to actually send. I groaned and put my phone back in my pocket. 

"Quinn?" I yelled again, walking towards my car. 

As I was coming up to peer in the windows, I heard voices down the street to my right. I turned my head, and peered down the dimly lit street. I saw the whip of Quinn's blonde hair and let go of the breath I was holding. A guy then stepped in front of her, and she stopped moving. I started to hold my breath again.

 "Quinn?" I was frustrated. 

Not my smartest idea. The guy turned around, and then shoved Quinn forwards in the opposite direction. 

"Oh hell no," I muttered.

 "Quinn? What's going on?" I started running towards her and the guy was desperately trying to push her forward. 

"Quinn, answer me!" I came up to them, a red car marking the distance between us. They were farther down the street than I thought so now I was out of breath.

 "If you don't mind, I don't appreciate testosterone filled bastards pushing my friend around," I snapped at him. 

He glanced over his shoulder, and the look on his face made me jump. 

"I wouldn't have to push her if she'd just cooperate with me," his voice was rough and dry.

 Then he whipped Quinn around and she was weakly standing in his arms. I gasped so hard my throat burned. Quinn had a bandana tied in her mouth, there were red bruises all around her arms where the guy had gripped her too hard. Tears were rolling down her face, and it took a second before she lazily looked up at me. When my eyes met hers, they widened and she quickly shook her head like I shouldn't be here. 

"What the hell is going on?" I snapped. 

I thought this was just some douche trying to hook up with her, obviously I was wrong. 

"You should ask your beautiful friend here, she's known what was going to take place for quite some time now." 

My eyes were burning and my fists were clenched. Quinn was trying to speak, but it came out muffled against the dirty red bandana. 

"Let her go," I gritted beneath my teeth. 

"Sorry, that won't be happening. In fact, we have a little trip to go on. It was lovely meeting you Kassidy. And all you're friends too. I'm Jace by the way," A scary grin grew on his face, then he pulled something out of his pocket. 

It was a gun. My eyes widened and I took a few steps back, trying to not start crying. Quinn was violently shaking her head, trying to get out of his grip. Instead of pointing the gun at me, he aimed above Dylan's place a few houses down. He fired three shots, and the screams could be heard from down here.

 "Shouldn't be too long till they all see us out here. Which means it's time for us to go. Sorry you can't come along, it would've been fun." 

Then he flung Quinn across his body and she stumbled into the car. Before I could blink, he put his shotgun back in his pocket and pulled out what looked like a stun gun. 

"You didn't think I would exclude you, did you?" he aimed the gun at me, and Quinn screamed. 

Before I could react, there was a dart piercing its way into my stomach. "Oh... my God..." I couldn't breathe. 

After a few paralyzed seconds, I wrapped my hands around the dart and quickly pulled it out, falling to my knees. I watched him as he grabbed Quinn and was shoving her in the car. She was kicking and screaming and the last thing I saw, was a million tears pouring out of her eyes as she watched me fall to the ground. My head had landed on the concrete, and I was too stunned to catch myself on the way down. I laid there on my side, my legs and fingers twitching, listened to the screams of people down the street, and watched as my best friend was driven away while I couldn't do a thing about it.


soooo... what did you think? didn't I tell you this was the chapter that would get everything started? well if you don't remember, I did say that. i know it's short, but it didn't need to be too long ya know? i wanted everyone to find out what happened and then let the idea soak in so you get a vibe of what the story is really about (the summary will finally start to make sense!!!). please please please please comment and tell your friends, i'd really appreciate it and can't wait to post more. IT GETS A TRILLION TIMES MORE EXCITING FROM THIS MOMENT FORWARD, PREPARE YOURSELVES MIS AMIGOS, SHIT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN luv u

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