t h r e e

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Mason was standing behind Quinn, his large hand over her eyes, trying to hold back his laugh. He wrapped his other hand around her waist and gripped her tight. 

"Whoever this is, I will beat your ass so hard!" She yelled, grabbing onto his arm trying to pull it down.

Mason lowered his head down to her neck, and flicked his eyes over at me as he talked. 

"I think we both know I'll be the one beating your ass when I get you up in that bed, babe," he whispered devilishly, his lips nearly connected to her ear. 

I just shook my head at him and grinned. Quinn's body jerked like she had thrown up and Mason finally busted out laughing, and released her from his grip. Quinn whipped around faster than I thought possible and glared at him blindingly. 

"Mason, I will kill you in your sleep," she yelled and slapped his arm. 

"Ow, ow! Chill out babe, I was just messing with you," he rubbed his arm and continued laughing. 

"I have told you to stop calling me babe since the second grade, the request has not expired," Quinn snapped. 

"Maybe not, but it's been rejected," he winked at her. 

Quinn has known Mason longer than both me and Owen. They've gone to school together since preschool, which was why I was surprised that they never ended up going out. But it's not a surprise anymore, the two can't go more than three minutes without annoying the hell out of each other. At the same time, they both have an extreme amount of respect for each other. And by that I mean they both found each other attractive and considered me as a very important person in their lives. But it doesn't matter, they'll miss each other more than I'll miss each of them next year.

"You're such a little bitch. Kassidy, put this boy on a leash," she grabbed me and pushed me into Mason's chest. 

Mason's muscular arms wrapped themselves around me, as he caught his balance and his large hand covered the side of my face. 

"Mashon," his name came muffled out of my mouth because my cheek was smashed against his chest. 

"Watch your language, young lady! I'm taking the good witch before you corrupt her!" he called as he dragged me back to the living room. 

"Kassidy don't leave me alone!" Quinn called after me. 

Now he was pulling me by my wrist and I looked back at her. 

"Find Owen, he'll hang out with you. I'll meet you at midnight outside okay? Be safe!" I yelled back at her before she vanished behind the bodies that surrounded me. 

It felt like Mason and I were in the very middle of the crowd and he was standing in front of me smiling. "That wasn't very nice, Mason. We left her all alone," I pouted.

 "She's a big girl, she'll survive. Besides, you're only upset because I called her babe and not you," he grabbed my hands and pulled me up against him. 

"Um, that's bullshit," I smiled. 

"Oh please, don't flatter yourself. Don't worry, you're my real babe. Quinn is more like a wannabe side hoe." 

"Mason! Don't you ever say that! My best friend is not a hoe. If anyone is a hoe, it's you," I said.

Mason rolled his eyes as he placed my hands on his lower back. He cupped my face in his hands and brushed my hair back. His heavy breathing was running down my face, and suddenly, everything got intimate. He was staring into my eyes and I couldn't look away, he always had that power over me. 

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