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*WARNING! This has a make out scene at the end, so if you're not comfortable with that, then please don't read it!*

"JEON JUNGKOOK!" I yelled, frantically trying to turn the air conditioner on. "You didn't call the electricion last summer, did you?"

"Ummm," Jungkook walked into the lounge room, smiling sheepishly. "Well, I thought the air conditioner would fix itself... So I didn't feel the need to call anyone."

"Oh my god, Jungkook, you're an idiot," I laughed, flopping onto the couch. "It's 40 degrees and we don't have an air conditioner. What are we going to do?"

Chuckling, Jungkook shuffled over to the couch and joined me, trying his best to snuggle up to me. "We can hug?"

"No, it's way too hot for that!" I tried to push him off, but Jungkook wouldn't budge. "You're so clingy oh my god!"

"Just one hug? One kiss?" He puckered his lips and clung onto me, peppering my face with light kisses.

"Nope!" I pushed him off of me and sat up. "No hugs, or kisses for you until you find a way to cool us down!"



Pouting, Jungkook grabbed his phone and went to sulk on the other couch.

"This kid," I shook my head, lying back down on the couch.

I looked back over at Jungkook, who seemed to be texting someone, a slightly mischievous grin on his face.

"Aha!" Jungkook yelled suddenly, causing me to jump in surprise. "I know what we're going to do today."

"Why are we at Jimin's house?" I looked over at Jungkook, who was still grinning.

"You'll see, come on!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door.

When we reached the door, Jungkook started searching for something, looking for it in plant pots and the cracks in the wall.

"Why don't we just knock on the door?" I asked Jungkook as he dropped to the floor, looking under the doormat.

"Because," He must've found what he was looking for, because he stood back up. "Jimin and his girlfriend are on holiday, so they wouldn't answer the door, no matter how much we knocked. That's why we need this."

He held up a key - I'm presuming it was the house key - and smiled. I nodded in reply as he unlocked the door. We hurried inside and closed the door behind us.

"So, are you going to tell me what we're doing now?" I asked, sitting down on one of their couches.

"Do you want me to?" He said, making me a little nervous.

"I guess," I said, now unsure if I wanted to know or not.

"Alright, close your eyes!" Jungkook walked over to me, and I obliged, closing my eyes tight.

Jungkook then lifted me up and held me in his arms, bridal style. If my eyes were open I would've rolled my eyes at him. I sighed heavily and Jungkook chuckled.

"I'm sorry, jagi, it has to be done," he laughed.

"Sure. Why can't you just put me down?" I whined.

"Because if I did, it would ruin the surprise!" Jungkook must've walked outside, because the air became very hot and humid. "We're almost there, I promise~"

I sighed, "we better be."

"Ok, we're here, but you're not allowed to open your eyes, alright?" Jungkook seemed to stop moving.

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