Chapter 2

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"B I'm serious,if you mess this one up again I'm not gone talk to yo as-

"Aight kelly! I understand. It was 2 years ago. In plus I got my eyes open for someone else,"Beyonce said cutting me off. We were talkin about how bad I like Desmond. And I hope she doesn't take him away from me.

"And who might that be?"I asked facing her. She was picking out my outfit to go with Desmond to meet his mom. We've been dating for a month and its He can be controlling sometimes but,I know he still loves me. I'm goin to be movin in with him in a couple of weeks. I know I've only known him for a month but,I'm in love. And when your in love,you can't wait for forever to come. You have to try now.

"Jay-z! He is so fine. Like,ever since that video shoot we did a while back...he's been like..on my mind! He's just amazing,"she said blushing. I laughed at her and then she picked out my outfit. I had in a black dress with silver laces, clear heels and a broken hearted necklace. I also have on my KINGS ring. I got when I was 4 years old. Me and B got one that we were every day. It's just the affection we show towards each other. Desmond is coming over to meet my parents first,then I meet his. I just hope everything goes good.

" better try and get him before another one do. And be happy that you had a chance to be with him for that moment!"I said. She rolled her eyes playfully and walked out. I laughed then applied my makeup and put on my clothes. I made my way downstairs and sat next to my one and only brother Michael.

"You ready to meet him?"I asked.

"I guess. But you's gonna be hard to see you leave. Like,now I'll have to stay here alone until my college courses are over. Then...I've been thinking, I'm not sure if B really wants you to date. I think she's gonna try and ta-

"Thanks for everything but,I already established that with her. I'm gonna beat her a** if she do. And if I need to...I'll come back if it don't work out. Your my big bro, why wouldn't I want you not to look after me?"I said. We laughed and then the doorbell wrung. B went to go get my momma and I went to get the door. I opened it and Desmond was there with flowers.

"These are for your mom. I have yours in the car,"he said whispering to me. I laughed then closed the door behind him.

"First good impression,huh? It's not that easy impressing her if you ask me,"I said back. Then he looked more nervous then before. "But it's gonna be so easy,trust me,"I said. We walked back into the living room and I introduced him to everyone.

"Okay so, Desmond,that's my older brother Michael,that's my mom,and I'm pretty sure you know my play sister Beyonce!"I said pointing to them. He shook their hands but B was all smiley and happy. So I just shook that thought out of my head before words in my head gone be said. (I made that rhyme up yaw! It was fresh out the!). Then we talked for a while until my mom brought me into the kitchen. She looked worried.

"Momma please tell me what's wrong. You've been acting like this since h-

"Since he got here! Now,I love you with all my heart. But he doesn't seem right for you. I'm 46 and I still consider myself as a tasty person. But he's not the kind of taste you need! Baby....if this is what you want, have it. But I cant....I can't,"she said. Here we go again.

"You serious? Momma...he's amazing! He treats me like,I can't be hidden. He lets me go after what I want. I'm tired of you always judging me! That's why I'm moving in with him!"I snapped at her. I never told her about me moving in with him. She looked highly aggravated.

"No the hell you not! Oh HELL NO! You got me twisted on this one! You a** gone stay here until you get married and I approve of that person! But not with him,"she said yelling at me.

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