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"Suffering is basically the mind's refusal to accept reality as it is."

-Marcus Thomas

Mercedes Pov

Agonizing pain flushed throughout my body. I'm so stupid. Silence filled the car as we pulled up back at their house... Everyone was avoiding to even look at me. Urg! Why me?

"I'm so sorry...". I whisper as we get out the car. Not that anyone could hear me... I wasn't expecting anyone to.. We walk inside, with Chris and Breezy carrying my suitcases. Hearing Mama J's footsteps, made me slow down my pace. Much nerves flow through out my body. My stomach does flips, my legs feel numb, my knees feel as though their going to give up at any moment, and I start to feel queasy. Once we make it to the living room, where Mama was, we all sit... All except me. I'd rather stand.

" Mama.... ". Angel softly speaks up. Mama suddenly frowns, removing her smile that was once there.

" What's wrong?... And, what happened to your face??? ". She refers to me.. I have so many scars and damages all over my body... But, mainly in my heart...

" H-H-Her.. P-Parents.... HER PARENTS DID THIS SHIT TO HER!!!!!". Mama's eyes literally popped out of her sockets. But, I wasn't worried about her at the moment... But, more about.. How, did Chris's temper just escalate so quickly? The first words seemed normal.. But, when he yelled..... His voice changed... It had gotten deeper.. It was like... I knew it was Chris... Yet, it wasn't the Chris I know. Stupid, I know. Suddenly, an fire truck siren went off.. Right past us... Hmm... I wonder what happened. I just hope and pray that whoever is in danger gets the help they need... In time.

______ Skips Monday, At School______

This weekend went by rather quickly. Mama said I could stay with them for however long I needed to.. But, I think I'm going to go back home today... I'm starting to feel a little homesick, honestly.

"Are you okay, Cedes?". I laugh gently at how concerned he looked. Everyone has been treating me differently since that incident on Friday. They act... Cautious now.. I don't like this. I never wanted this. I just want everything to just, go back to the way things use to be with the twins and I. Now, every day, every hour, they ask me the same question.

Are you okay, Cedes?

You wanna talk about this?

You good?

Do you need my help with anything?

And much more. I'm honestly-... I was knocked out of my thoughts, hearing a knock on the classroom door. You could clearly see a police officer standing there because of the rectangular window. Once the teacher opened the door, the police officer looked around the room, searching for someone.

" I think he's looking for you, Breezy. ". I joke as he smacks his teeth.

" Man, whatever. I ain't even do nothing. ". I smile, shaking my head.

" Is there a Mercedes Morgan in this class? "

"Oohhh shit! Cedes what you do?". And other hollers are said all around the room. I raise my hand.

" That would be me sir. ". He looks me in my eyes cautiously, then says the worst thing in the world.

" I'm sorry to inform you that both Derrick and Alicia Morgan were inside their burning house on Friday... They... They.. *clears throat*... Neither one made it out... Alive... It seems as though a lit candle by the front door caused the fire to start. "

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