Part 3

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Five days later

Malina sighed lightly as she listened to Yolanda and Anahi discuss the finer points of their gowns that Tahtia was making for them for the final ball held by the first family. Everyone was sure it would be the social event for the next decade. Or until the lesser uprising was squelched.  Her thoughts drifted back to her time in the lesser's camp. They often came to her, circling her and listing off all the things they would have done if they hadn't been impotent. A blessing she thanked the Scribe Virgin for each day. That didn't stop them, however, from fondling her and taking joy from watching her squirm away and resist their filthy touches. 

"What is Tahtia making for you?" Yolanda asked. "I'm sure you'll want to wear something incredible since this will be your big debut after Charleston. Everyone is going to have their eyes on you. You'll be the talk of the party." Great. Although she knew better. No one was aware that the prince, Kade, and Rhaylynn had been mated. That was to be announced at the ball, so any attention she might receive will be diverted.

"I haven't actually been by yet." The two females gaped at her.
"There's less than two weeks until the ball, if you don't have her start right away it won't be ready on time!"
"I think we should head over their now," Anahi said, putting down a few bills for her meal. "I need to check on my gown anyways. I want to make sure that female gets the bust right. Last time it was so tight it didn't accentuate my curves at all! How unbelievable." Tahtia flipped her hair back behind her shoulder and said,
"Well sweetie you don't have much to accentuate so there's really not much the poor girl can do. I can give you the number for a wonderful plastic surgeon though if you like. That may give you a more permanent solution to your... Issues." Damn she thought as the girl blushed bright red out of embarrassment. She knew Anahi was in the same boat she was, forced into the glymera life that make insults spill so readily from their mouths. No wonder everyone hated her. Insulting people came as naturally to her as striking women came to her father. And she was no better than him.

That was a sobering thought as she stood to lead the girls to Tahtia's shop. Perhaps she could find something on one of her racks that would be good for the ball. Her father wouldn't have to know it wasn't a custom gown, something he and her mother insisted on. Originality and sophistication, that was key in her family. Although, with these two in tow, she wouldn't be able to leave the store without everyone having gotten a text about her buying from the rack instead of having it designed. Sitting in the front seat of the luxury car to avoid the two in the back, Yolanda's dogged rushed them to Tahtia's shop.

When they entered the familiar scent of cinnamon brought back so many memories of this place. She had been coming here for gowns since she was 8 years old and no where else. When they arrived Aleksandra immediately greeted them, offering wine and other refreshments but Malina waved them away. A gorgeous gown caught her eye that was sitting mostly completed on a mannequin.  Tbe top was a cream sweetheart neckline with a sheer overlay that covered from neck to wrist.  The overlay was carefully stitched with fine gold satin thread with a vine and leaf pattern that shimmered lightly as the light caught it but wasn't overly done. The bottom started just below the breast line and was a fitted skirt of rich blue.  It was magnificent and Malina was slightly envious of the female who ordered it.  They were going to look radiant.  

"Good evening ladies," she heard Tahtia say as she descended the stairwell on the far side of the newly expanded shop.  "How can I help you tonight. Oh! Malina," she said, noticing her standing away from the other two. "I'm so happy to see you. I was afraid I wouldn't be making you a dress for the last ball.  Her words seemed sincere and Malina knew that this female knew more about what had been happening lately than most. An instant ease fell over her and the familiar female came to kiss her cheek.  She pulled Tahtia into a slight hug and said,
"Your gowns are divine Tahtia.  I wouldn't come to anyone else."  When she pulled away, Tahtia had a look of surprise at the compliment she was given.  "Especially that one," she said pointing to the ivory and blue gown.  "Whoever has commissioned it will look ravishing. You've outdone yourself." 

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