Part 13

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Mhalign stayed quiet as Istavan shouted in his ear, the screen of his large television showing him the reason for the intrusion into his home. "Your whore bitch was supposed to keep to herself. Is this how she follows demands? If she wont obey you, she wont obey Thrashe and I wont have some arrogant little cunt being mated to my son. We want her compliant." Mhalign just stared at the screen until the image of Malina vanished and was replaced with that Brother's kid. Brian O'Neal... what a stupid fucking human name. After his mostly human father. 

The image on her on the screen however, had given him new reason to worry. Her eyes gave him all the confirmation he needed on her, and who she was sired by. He'd always known she wasn't his. His mate was enough of a whore until he put her fully in line after breaking both her arms when she became pregnant with this little whelp. He'd had the thought to beat the parasite out of her, but when they discovered it would be a girl, he held off.  A girl he could train, control, and wouldn't take his fortune and estate away. He'd always believed he'd known who her father was, but now seeing her yellowed eyes, he knew for sure. Supher was not like his genteel brother, who sired the Brotherhood's twins, Phury and Zsadist.  Ahgony was a gentlemale of the highest pedigree and he showed it. His younger brother, however, threw the family name to the ground and drug it through the gutters, along with his hookers and sluts. 

There was no telling how many bastards that male produced, but his one telling feature had always been his eyes, a brilliant golden color that was unique to his family's lineage. Maybe he should break his mate's arm again, considering she never would tell him who she fucked to produce that whelp. It had been centuries since the male was seen or heard from. Many thought he blew his fortune and was a homeless bum somewhere, but Mhalign thought different. Knew different. He was as smart as he was promiscuous, and he's sure Supher is out there, somewhere. So this little bitch was spawn, and a cousin to some Brothers; that would change things for him.  "Are you listening to me?" Istavan shouted. 
"Yes I'm listening," he drawled in a bored tone. "I asked her to go to that game. I wanted her to be seen away from Caldwell to prove to everyone that she was indeed visiting a friend out of town. I was given the tickets and I passed them on to her. Human sports bore me. Thrashe believes that's where she is doesn't he?"
"We told him she was in New York, this is in Boston. They are no where close to one another."
"They are for us, since she can visit in an instant and be back in an instant. It's not like its a long drive. Everyone knows she has some weird relationship with that beast girl, so she must have invited her and the Prince as guests. It looks good to be seen with those in power, and who has more power than the mate for the successor to the throne?" he said as she stood and placed his hands on Istavan's shoulders to keep him from pacing. 

"Everyone thinks that girl that Prince has bonded with will end up being the ruler. It's absurd."
"Which is why that will never happen," he assured Istavan. "They are just getting a little PR with all this nonsense about lessers. I wouldn't doubt if all this talk of war is made up, just to instill fear into the populous." Leaving Istavan, Mhalign started towards his wet bar, casually pouring them a glass of bourbon, noticing the decanter was lower than when he last saw it, noting to scold his son's for touching his prized liquor. Handing a glass to Istavan, he resumed talking. "We both know it's easier to control those who are afraid. Really, this rouse is well played by the King."

Istavan took the drink and chugged it. "So what should I tell Thrashe about that male tossing his hat to her?" Mhalign shrugged,
"Would you rather her embarrass herself and ignore it? Embarrass the group she was with? She was being polite." As he spoke he peered back over to the TV and felt himself grow angry. He watched as that male hoisted himself up and kissed Malina. Bitch, he thought. Fucking bitch will pay for that. BJ, that males name was, he recalled. He had siblings he was certain. A family. Something to use to his advantage. He was relieved when the kiss ended and Istavan was no more the wiser, and lucky for him, baseball wasn't popular among vampires. He was sure he could keep this quiet. 

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