Part 14

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Jhinx slammed the door behind him, fuming as his friend rubbed his neck. "What an ass, that male has some serious-"
"Shut up," Jhinx said firmly. Sykes turned to look at him and cocked an eyebrow. 
"What the hell-"
"I said shut up,"his voice raised louder. Jhinx wasn't sure the last time he raised his voice to anyone, much less his closest friend. There was no need for loudness in his family, communication happened mostly through looks and signals, almost a telepathy they all developed. "You have been a serious shit the last few months. What's your fucking deal? I've put up with the bullshit, and I made excuses for you, but enough is enough."

Sykes crossed his arms defensively, "I don't have a fucking deal," he said slyly.
"Bullshit," Jhinx said as he paced. "Bullshit, bullshit bullshit. You've been needling everyone lately, me, your dads, Kade, then Tohr at the training center, and now BJ about his female." Sykes shrugged,
"According to him, that's not his female."
"Don't play stupid. You've never been any good at it. You know damn good and well that male has bonded by now."
"You don't think it's weird he bonded with her so fast, after Soreen?"
"Do I think it's weird with Malina? Sure. Fuck it, it's weird. I'll give you that. But Soreen, I don't think he bonded with her. Not really. There's no way. Look at how many men would dance with her, get her drinks, all those parties, and he didn't show one ounce of possessiveness. Malina is different, and even you have to see that."
"I didn't know," he said, putting up his hands. "I asked, he denied, so I went for it. Hell, she'd be a good addition to our-"
"Don't say it. Don't even go there. You're a fucking sociopath Sykes. And you need to figure your shit out. I'm tired of keeping you from getting your ass beat."
"I can handle myself," he said defensively. 
"Fine. Then handle it. I'm out." Jhinx turned and opened the front door.
"Where are you going?" Sykes asked, his tone having changed from defensive to worried. 
"I'm going to the Crib. Don't follow me. Don't call me. Leave me the fuck alone."

Ignoring the look on Sykes' face he disappeared into the night to the other end of town near the college that had been built about forty years ago. It has proven to be useful in picking up females interested in only a one-nighter. The college was a branch of the much larger New York University. NYU-Caldwell focused more on medical and business fields while the large campus was for the artistically and politically inclined. A strange mix of the student bodies, he thought. He reformed just outside the house in the small backyard shed where the doggen who kept the place running, stored the lawn equipment for the tiny yard. 

Entering the house through the back door he locked it tightly behind him and whipped out his phone. Sending a quick series of texts before putting the thing away. Taking a few shots of vodka, he tried to suppress his anger at Sykes. The male had always been aloof and a bit anti-social, but lately he was becoming selfish and hot headed, to an extreme. Pouring a shot and leaving it on the counter he unlocked the front door with his mind, knowing his guest would be arriving soon.  This small cottage style house right in the middle of the budding college town was his and Sykes' little known 'fuck-pad.' They discovered early on it was not wise to bring females to the place he actually lived, because they had a tendency to just show up, especially when they thought the 'connection' was there. 

On time, he thought as the front door clicked open and he heard her say, "Hello." Essie was a third year student in med school, biology he thought, who was focused enough in school to be less inclined to focus on him. Luckily, she also had a wild side that she enjoyed indulging in once and a while. She entered the small space, her slick black hair adorned with a small streak of red behind her ear. She was still dressed in scrubs and a light jacket that she was already peeling off. Since she was starting her practicum at the local clinic, she was always working the odd hours, making it easy to have her 'swing by.' He pointed to the shot as he took a swig from the bottle and she took the drink without speaking. 

Lover Laid Bare (continuation of Lover United)Where stories live. Discover now