Twilight Gal Chapter 4

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october ②⑧, ①⑨④②
town square
People were surrounding the small clothing store, anxious to know what was going on. You could hear muffles and mumbles, whispers and such, about theories of what happened. Then came in the detective. She put her hands out to create a pathway to walk through the bustling crowd. Her partner followed quickly behind. Everyone went silent as her heels clicked on the street, wisp hair flowing, and stern look yet still beautiful no matter what. Link caught up and walked next to her.
"Midna-" she cut him off.
"Miss. Von Twilette. To you." she looked at him with a serious expression knowing it wasn't the time for questions.
"... Miss. Von Twilette, what happened? All you told me was there was a murder then grabbed me out the door and took us here?"
"Yes indeed I did. I got a file in my mailbox today saying that the seamstress's daughter was murdered early last night. Unseen. Unknown."
He stayed silent and listened to her voice. "Which is why we're here." She went under the police "CAUTION" tape and walked inside the store, Link of course following behind.
"Knock knock. The detective is home." She got an answer from nobody but started scanning the area. "Start looking for clues, and don't skim a spot till this place is spotless of evidence."
"Understood." He did so. Midna heard weeping from upstairs and quickly went up the steps to investigate. The squeaky creaking of the wood irritated her ears. "Hello?" she came to see the weeping widow on the floor next to her cold, lifeless daughter.
"My baby!" she weepers and cried on and on, "Oh my baby, my first born, my own blood... dead... before my own eyes." she cried more. "In a dried puddle of her own blood, oh my, I can't handle this." Midna felt lament for the poor old widow to be looking down at her dead teenage daughter. She kneeled down next to her and softly touched her back.
"I know you feel you're in pain. I know what you're going through, I've been in the same situation. She's in a much better place, and she's happy there." She smiled warmly.
"I guess so..." Both got up and the woman shoved her face into Midna's dress and started to cry again.

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