Chapter 8 - SEER

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The wool of the rakshai was carried away from my fingers by a gentle breeze; out it went through the open window, and in to the night. I let it go; my hair swayed in a gentle motion; it was as if someone was soothingly caressing my hair. The only sound was the hum of car as we rode in to the dark roads.

After a 20 minute ride, guru broke the silence saying, "We are here!"

"uhh what?" I asked totally confused as to why we had stopped.

Guru called out, "Security, can you send an attendant to carry the luggage?" As the bell boy came, he turned to me and asked, "Do you want me to come up to your room or can you manage it from the reception desk?"

I slowly remembered about the plan to stay in the lemon tree hotel to discuss business with phani and sandhya. In the confusion I had completely forgotten about it.

"No problem Mr. guru; I can manage from right here." I said getting down from the jeep. "Sorry for the inconvenience; and thanks for your help. So can I expect you on the 26th at about 11 AM?"

"Sure. Enjoy your stay! See you on 26th!"

"Thanks again. Bye" I waved, as he reversed the car and left. Guru seemed to be a quiet man; he was way younger than my father and had a five year old daughter. Not a man for small talk; a silent one.

It took an hour for me to settle down in my suite. I was splurging, but I deserved it. I took out my laptop to see if I could get an idea about the new project that I was going to discuss with phani; my head began to ache after the second page.

I decided to persevere; but the head ache simply intensified monstrously, my vision started to waver and then fractured and then it intensified even more. I couldn't stand the pain. My ears began to bleed as I started to scream and still the pressure increased, it was as if someone or something was squeezing my head, then my cranium gave way to pressure and gave a crack. Horribly I remained awake all this time and screamed till I lost my voice; then there was this twang and everything went thankfully blank.

I came to on the floor, my right cheek drenched in drool and blood. I flexed my fingers and wriggled my toes, then I tried to move my arms and feet, all seemed to be working fine. I slowly sat up and was besieged with double vision and I tried to drag myself to the wall to try to support myself but the movement was too much; I vomited on the floor and fell face down on it. So much for my effort! I blanked out again.

This time there was clarity in my vision and over all wellbeing. I cautiously lifted myself out of the vomit and moved; nothing happened. I stood up on my wobbly feet which failed to support me and painfully plopped down on the floor. With calm stubbornness I dragged my unyielding body in to the bathroom; holding the basin as support I hauled myself up.

"Don't fall down! Don't fall down! Please god, please! Stand up! Please god I muttered to myself, don't let me fall!" my voice wouldn't come out. My vocal chords were damaged with all my screaming. I gritted my teeth and heaved myself on to the WC and removed my night gown; it took me very long to bring down a simple zipper and shrug it off my body, then I leaned on the wall and slowly got up and moved towards the shower, I had just enough strength to turn on the hot shower and sat down on the shower floor; the hot water sprayed on me, it was both comforting and welcoming, although the wounds stung.

I touched my head and a raised ridge ran across it..... as if...... it had cracked and something or someone had made a hash job of ........

This time I came to because, my leg was scalded by the hot shower where most of it was directed to. I moved my leg, got up without any mishap. I took my shower and rubbed my hair and skin vigorously with shampoo and soap and wrapped myself with towel and walked out.

I stood in front of the mirror; the ridge on my scalp was just a mark now. My other scars on my chest and abdomen had faded out.

What the hell was happening to me?

I looked in to the mirror and right behind me was my two dead as a doornail grandmothers looking at me. Yes!!!! Great! Okay.... Officially now, I was a nut job.

Ranjani, my maternal grandmother looked at me and her mouth opened wide, way beyond human wide to issue forth words, "Seer, your psychic bonds are broken. Your healing and sight impairment has helped absorb fifty one mohinis. We have protected you thus far and thus consider our pact held. Blood of my blood we consolidate our power into you"

Women of many generations from my maternal line manifested and just walked in to me. There were 100 of them to be precise. Their life force, yes a seer could live up to about 300[a weak one] to a 1000[a strong one] years poured into me as they merged.

As they walked in to me I began to glow like a glow worm but it didn't hurt me, conversely I felt safe, protected and happy like a baby in her womb. The glow stayed even when it was over.

"That was really, weird." I said aloud and looked up with a smile to see along with my other grandmother, stood other women among whom were the cannibal, woman whose eyes the crow pecked; they were the women from the vision when I met the men from airport.

Okay..... What now?


Author's note

· Guys really sorry for the late update as my home town is Chennai I got stuck in the floods without electricity and contact for 32 hours. My city is slowly recuperating.

· Thanks a lot for your patience. Will try to update at least once in a month

VEDIC VOWS - BOOK 1 THE MOHINIحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن