The Wolf Tribe, Part 2

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3 days later...

We waited, until the cat girl came out of the house. She had Aphmau and Katelyn.

"Alexis," I whispered, catching her attention. "Let's go."

Alexis nodded, we followed her boat until it stopped.

She came to a kingdom,

"This is that wolf tribe, the ones with a king!" I said to Alexis.

"How did you know that?" Alexis asked.

"I look through  Malachi's papers." I whispered.

"Oh..." Alexis trailed off as I got closer.

"What are you doing?!" Alexis ran after me.

"Tailing her, idiot. We can't loose her." I said bluntly.

We made it past the guards into the kingdom.

Time Skip    

We spent a couple of days watching them, Aphmau was due to marry their prince.

Nothing else really happened.

Until, I was hidden in one of the hall ways near the king's throne room.

When, that cat girl came back with, LAURENCE!

Aphmau and the prince were summoned.

"Af-meow,  Michi tells me you have a lover," The king said.

"What?!! No!" Aphmau screamed.

"Tell me what is he, to you?" The king asked, looking at Laurence.

"He is a friend." Aphmau tried to sound confident, but failed.

"I've seen enough." The king started, "He is too be executed at dawn!" He exclaimed.

"L...." I yelled, before Alexis covered my mouth.

"What was that?" The king looked around.

"What was, what?" The prince asked.

"Nothing son, I must be hearing things." The king sighed.

"You almost got us caught!" Alexis whispered, anger in her tone.

"I'm sorry, but.." I was almost in tears, but I held them back afraid they would hear me.  

Alexis patted my head, "It's OK," she whispered softly.

I regained my composure, "I'm going to kill that man, now." I pulled out my sword, before Alexis grabbed my arm, holding me back.

"No you're not, he has the advantage point here, if you try he could have Aphmau, Laurence and Katelyn executed in a heart beat." Alexis was trying, to reason with me?

I sighed,"You're right. But I'm, just..." I was almost in tears again.

"Hold on we're missing it!" I whisper yelled.

"Yes!" The king yelled, "He shall be execute on the day of the wedding."

I smiled, "We still have time!"

Hey guys, sorry cliffhanger again. But it's half past 12 and I'm tired.So yeah,

Until next time I'll see all you beautiful people later. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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