Chapter Six

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Hope you're enjoying it! Also I won't be updating next Saturday, sorry :(.

I kept on shouting for the girl to stop, as I pushed passed other citizens that were walking. I didn't care though, I have to catch up to this girl...I just have to. Finally, I caught up to her and grabbed her hand, the girl quickly spun around.

"Do I know you?" She asked, she wasn't Juvia. Her face was caked in makeup, and as I got closer I realized her blue hair was fake extensions.

"Maybe he wants your number!" Her ugly friend sneered. She then laughed out loud with a witch-like crackling.

"Ew! I don't do delinquents!" She bellowed. She removed her hand from my grasp, and gave me a repulsive look.

"Bye. Loser." She told me exiting the train station.

Her, and her friend probably weren't even ugly, but I think they were people with that personality. I will always find that personality ugly. I use to have that personality too....


"I'm home." I called to my Mom, as I took my shoes off. She emerged from the kitchen holding a pot in her hands.

"What took you so late?" She questioned with concern on her face.

"Had to stay late for some projects at school." I lied.

"And why are you so scratched up?"

"I was running during track, then I tripped." I lied once more. Her eyebrows furrowed and she looked like she wanting to say something else. She didn't though, she just walked away.

I'm sorry I've disappointed you so much.

I entered my room making sure to shunt the door behind me. I then pulled out my notebook.

Things to do before I die.

Everything on the list was checked off, except for one thing... to make amends with that Juvia girl. Once I do that, I can finally die. A smile creeped onto my face as I thought of being rid of this fucked up world.

"Good riddance." I said to myself.


Glimpse ~Gruvia~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora