The lie ~ 3

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Reagan's POV

As Amy and i laid in her bed i could tell that something was bothering her.  I could tell by the way she was breathing and the way her heart was pounding she was nervous.  Something was wrong with her and i did not know how to approach the subject. "So what are you hiding shrimp girl."

I knew as soon as it came out i shouldn't have asked her that.  At first she looked at me and i could tell she was getting more nervous she just sat there with her trembling breath. She was so damn cute when she was nervous but i had to stay focused on the matter at hand, she was hiding something from me.

I watched her as she tried to get the words out of her mouth and put together her sentence. As she tried i was wondering what she was hiding and what was going on in her head. "It cant be as bad as u think it is Amy" i said and she was shocked when those words came out.

"Okay well here goes-" she was stalling and i almost had to hit her back to get the words out.

"Spit it out before you choke on it." 

"Okay okay. Well after i hung up on karma i received a text from shane about a party this weekend and he wanted me to invite you."

I stared at her when I realized that this would be the first time we all hung out together . "Well i don't know I've never hung out with your friends before, but i guess theres a first time for everything."

"Well then i guess we better tell shane we will be coming."

Amy's POV

I should have told her the truth, i should
have told her. I have told Reagan everything about karma everything except i was In love with her. I would have told her I would have but when i meet Reagan she changed all that she made me feel special.

Ever since Karma and i had shared that kiss in the gym i had been in love with her. Then i meet Reagan and that all changed. But if its all changed then why didn't I tell her. Its gonna come out eventually. And then i did the stupidest thing I could possibly do. I blurted it out. "I was in love with karma." It came out so fast I couldn't stop it.

Reagan sat up as quick as possible and stared in my eyes. "Are you still in love with her? Thats all i need to know Amy. Are you still in love with her?"

"No." It was that one word that ended it all. Reamy was officially a thing.

Falling for you : A reamy storyWhere stories live. Discover now