Where is she ~ 16

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It had been a week since Reagan ran out of my house and no one had seen her. I was worried, where is she? Karma has been making an effort and trying to be a better friend and shes getting there. Because Reagan is a legal adult she isn't exactly a missing child so we cant report it.  Every Time I called her she ignored it and when i texted her she didn't answer me.  I tired one last time.

"Hey Reagan I know I just called you 20 minutes ago, and im very insane, but im really scared. I miss you, where are you. Does this have to do with my parents because if it does then-." Before I could finish my phone started beeping signaling there was no room left. I wanted to cry.

I was walking down the hall and stopped when my message did. I slid down the lockers and sat on the floor. After a few minutes everyone was in class when I was sitting on the floor.  I decided to get up and go to my locker when I heard three familiar voices.

"Where the hell is she Karma?" It was Shane, Lauren and Karma

"How am I supposed to know."

"Your not fooling anyone, just tell us." Lauren was talking to her now and i was mad.

"Im serious, I don't know."

"Well we both know you hate her so just tell her." She hated my girlfriend?  I was hiding behind the locker until i heard Karma talking again.

"I don't hate her, i just don't like her." I stepped out of where I was hiding and Shane and Lauren face's dropped.

"You hate my girlfriend?" I was crying. She said she wouldn't lie anymore.

"Amy I-" I didn't want to hear anything but the truth.

"Answer the damn question."

"No...I don't...I don't know."

"How could you not tell me."

"Because you "love her" so what am I supposed to say, huh, "im sorry amy but I hate your girlfriend.'"

"You shouldn't have lied to me karma." I stomped away before any of them could stop me. I was going to ally's house.

Reagan's POV

I spent the whole week in San Antonio with Ally, I wanted to see him.  Yes my parents hate me and told him never to talk to me again, but i have to try.  I had been parked down the block from my house waiting for them to leave. They alway left him home alone on friday nights for their meetings. I had been doing this all week. Amy wouldn't stop calling me either, neither would my roommates.  I didn't want her to worry, but i didn't want to talk to her.

When 7:30 rolled around my parents finally left. I drove down the familiar street and parked in the drive way. I sat in the car for another ten minutes, god he probably thought I was a mass murder. 

When it was 7:41 i got out of my truck and walked up to the front door. Last time I was here was when they kicked me out.

I got to the door and rang the doorbell. After a few seconds he came to the door.  He was looking down he answered but immediately looked up after seeing my shoes. I was extremely nervous for his reaction. He just stared at me in shock.


"Hey little bro." I smiled nervously.

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