Reagans parents - 18

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"Mom, dad?" I was scared. My dad said he would kill me if he ever saw me again. I didn't want to see them, just my brother. I truly hated them. They were supposed to love and support me and they didn't. I remember crying into Ally's arms for days. Shes my rock.

"What are you doing here?" My dad raised his eyebrows questioning me like I'm some sort of idiot.

"We live here." My heart was racing. "But you don't, so get the hell out." I raised my eyebrows in Disbelief. This was all because I was gay. Am gay. That's ridiculous. "Now Reagan." My dad pointed to the door, at least he wasn't going to kill me.

"Wait." I was heading to the door and Tony ran up behind me and hugged me. "Don't go. Please." I shifted in his small arms and looked down at him. He was crying.

"T, whats wrong?" I could tell something was up. My parents tried to pull me out of the house but he wouldn't let me go. "NO! She deserves to know. Shes my sister." They both ran up to him and tried to stop him. "I have can-" my dad put his hand over his mouth.

"Anthony Solis go upstairs right now." My dad was holding his mouth keeping the word in. Cancer? Did he have cancer.

"T....?" I was worried. What if he did? What would happen? My parens wouldn't let me see him and they wouldn't even let me talk to him. I don't know what i would do if i lost him. "Mom...? Dad...?" They both looked at each other before my father spoke.

"You aren't part of this family anymore. Its none of your business. Anthony go upstairs." Tony put his head down and tried to walk away but I pulled him back.

"No. Just because I like girls means I'm not your daughter anymore? Well guess what I don't give a fuck, I wouldn't want to be anyways, but when my baby brother is involved you tell me." They both raised their eyebrows in disbelief and i pulled Tony to my chest. My grip on him tighten when my mother moved across the room.

"Tony tell her." My father was furious at my mom. He obviously didn't want me to know.

"Don't you date Anthony." He pointed his finger at him and I could tell he was scared.

"I...I-I...I have heart cancer." He looked down and my dad almost pounced on him. Heart cancer. Those two words rung out in my ears.

" don't you cant-t." I was crying and he looked up at me.

"No Rea dot cry, ill be fine." Tony had always been a fighter, but how do you fight this. How do you fight cancer. My parents walked over to me.

"He'll be okay." My dad put his hand on my shoulder. They may have hated me, but they obviously felt something when I started to cry. My I should've cried when I came out. They all gathered around me and hugged me. Something changed in that moment, I don't know what but something did. "He's gonna be fine."

For the next three hours we just talked about his condition. he was born with it, but it wasn't cancer. Tony didn't understand it that his heart was enlarged and he need a transplant. The list for a heart was long and they didn't know how much longer he had. He needed a heart, but he had the biggest heart of anyone I've known.

"He's supposed to be-" my dad was cut iff by my phone ringing. Again. When I didn't pull it out to see who was calling they both raised their eyebrows. Tony was upstairs playing with his legos. My phone rang three more times.

"I think someones calling you."

"Yeah I know." I knew it was Amy. They continued their stare. I thought if i told them it was my girlfriend they would remember who they were talking to and kick me out again. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and walked to the front door.


"Reagan, fuck I was starting to think you were-"

"Just please don't call me anymore. Okay please."

"Are you breaking up with me." I understand where she got that but I wasn't. I was trying to protect her from them. I didn't know how to tell her that. "No. Listen I just cant talk right now. Ill call you later. I love you." I hung up the phone and then silently cursed myself. I walked back in this kitchen and saw them staring at me.

"Your girlfriend?" My mom asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah her name is Amy. I love her."

"Im sure shes great." My dad said and i smiled like a fool. He finally accepted me.

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