Chapter 2-The Fight

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We were ready this was it,i thought as we were taking our positions.

       "i'll be here"red robin said,"and you super-boy would stay opposite the building and Cassie would left to the building"he told us as he indicated.

"Why can't i be with super-boy"Cassie asked.Why would she want to be with me,i thought.

"cause you can't,super-boy is doing most of the job"he replied.

"wait i was meant to do most of the job"i asked.

"yes super,you will do most of the job"he replied.

"seriously,you formed a nickname for me"i asked.

he sighed disturbingly"yes i did,and please keep quiet we are wasting time"he replied.

So we took our positions,i stood exactly where red robin told me to stay,hiding in the dark wasn't easy for many people but it was easy for me as my eye turned red.

"in 1,2,3,4,5 go"red robin shouted in our ear pieces.

I jumped through the window using my telekinesis to shield me from the pieces of glass shattered everywhere.everyone ran helter skelter.I sped into the elevator.

But on doing i realized some men in black suits and guns in their hands rushing to stop me.I left the elevator open purposely,so they could come in.

They ran in thinking they were smart but on entering they realized their big mistake as the door closed smoothly.

"DOOMSDAY"i whispered i my most scariest tone.all most everyone could hear some thumps.

Then i came out and they were all on the floor in the elevator.

Then a lot of people rushed at me "hi hi ha ha ha, was this a joke"i said to myself as i pushed one with my telekinesis suspending one in the air,then cracking the others neck,then pushing the one i suspended in the air to the ground also cracking his neck,then giving the other a roundhouse kick and they were decimated to nothing.

"time to move forward" i said to myself,i went down the stairs dissapointed to see someone about to shout ,but just in time kid flash sped to the man who i noticed had purple eyes and tied him up.

"you can go super the road is free"he told me.

"i hope you haven't disrupted the peace there"i asked,we had gotten over our quarrel.

"nope,not at all"he answered.

i sped off,with red robin giving me directions in my ear i was totally safe.

I reached just in time for someone to open the door,i made myself invincible so he could definitely not see me.

then i used my telekinesis to remove the card he used to close the door.

I used the card to open the door,it was quiet easy as i flicked the card downwards opening the door.On entering i saw something squarish glowing red,i called raven,i didn't exactly know why until i saw her teleport in then she teleported out with the box.

Wait why did they tell me to do all this when she could just in without the box and out with the box.i thought.

I used the same card to open the two doors to see a stair case going up ,on the door before i saw next building written boldly,maybe the other shinning box was here,i thought as i opened the door.

I saw a man who looked afraid,he was about to shout.

"i don't get it do you guys have shout,do you have shouting syndrome"i said as i held his mouth shut with my telekinesis,i called raven and she teleported in without the box and out with the box.

men she was really fast,i thought as i was about to jump out using the window i had seen earlier

then my eyes flashed painfully.

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