Exodus - Chapter 3

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I figured that I'll write in 3rd person point of view because I find it easier describe characters and the story. cheers :)


Alexandra slowly rose from her deep coma as bright rays of light pierced through her eyelids. She managed to blink away the small dots that clouded her vision and adjusted her eyesight as she took in her surroundings. She was sitting on the wooden floor adjacent to a bed made of two single sized beds. Across her was a large window that overlook the training grounds where trainees jog around the perimeter of the field. Alexandra stood up and felt a stinging pain on her bottom and needles pricking her legs. She carefully eased the muscle spasms and investigated the narrow bedroom. To her right was a wooden door leading outside to the bunker and to her left was a minuscule wooden table polished to perfection. Almost everything in the place was made of wood.

Something caught the girl's eye and Alexandra inched closer to the tiny table. A glass shard sat on top of the table and she picked it up with caution. Avoiding the jagged edges of the mirror fragment. A girl gazed back at her with silver hair cascading down to her hips. She had a very pale complexion that could easily blend in with snow. For some strange reason, her body produced a faint glow, making her reflection shine. Alexandra looked down at her own hands but they did not show any hint of glowing. Only her reflection in the mirror can. Her bright green eyes displayed curiosity and wonder as she scrutinized the shard. There was a smudge of black ink on the back of the object where a bunch of words used to be written until it was wiped away. She tried to decipher what the meaning was but the ink blot covered almost all of the words except for the word, portal.

Portal? What's that got to do with a broken mirror? She thought to herself, completely perplexed.

As she was about to set down the mirror on the table, the door behind her flew open and a lethargic looking Travor stomped into the bedroom. He froze mid-step and his left foot hovered above the floor. Alexandra accidentally dropped the mirror on the table, making clanking noises as it settled on the surface. She was stunned as she gaped at the intruder. Travor didn't seem to notice her at all as he approached the table and picked up the mirror, placing it against the wall. Before he even reached the table, Alexandra jumped aside and almost collided against the makeshift queen sized bed.

"Hello? Travor? Answer me!" She waved her hands frantically at Travor but he still couldn't see her. She stomped her foot in frustration as she tried to grab Travor's sweaty uniform but to her suprise, her hand just went through Travor's body. She gawked at him as realization started to sink into her brain.

Woah! That did not just happened!

She reached out for Travor and the same thing occured once again.

Alexandra screamed her lungs out as she started to panic and pace around the room. Travor, on the other hand, seemed oblivious to the situation around him.

Alexandra's vision started to go haywire and her muscles froze into place. Her body crashed on the floor with a loud thud! Travor must have heard the collision as he immediately stood in attention and brandished his steel dagger, eying his surroundings. His eyes narrowed and inspected his room for any signs of intruders. Satisfied that no one was in his room, he sheathed his dagger and dropped on his bed.

Alexandra's breath hitched as she fought hard to stay conscious. Her eyesight began to fade little by little until she saw nothing but white. She tested to see if she can move a single muscle in her body but to no avail.

She stayed in a paralyzed position for a few moments and then she blacked out.


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