Chapter 9

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            I heard the door knob jiggle and I quickly threw my phone across the room, running to go get it. Maybe it wasn’t the most sensible way of getting away from Brendon before Demi walked in but my brain was still jumbled and it got me far away.

            “What the heck was that?” She said smiling, her hands full boxes graced with pancakes and bacon.

            “I dropped my phone.” I stuttered.

            “You dropped your phone onto the counter and it made that big of a bang?” I quickly looked to where my phone had landed on the marble counter. Laughing awkwardly I scratched the back of my neck.

            “Dear god you’re such a pathetic liar.” Brendon sighed leaning his forehead into his hands. “Good news! Echo kissed me.” he said- faking a five year old voice.

            “That is such a lie!” I yelled back, my voice getting higher in anger.

            “Go Echo, get some!’ Demi barked while piling food onto the table.

            “That’s not what happened! Brendon!”

            “What?” He asked innocently.

            “Tell her what really happened.”

            “I have no clue what you’re talking about.”

            “Brendon! I swear if you don’t tell her what really happened I will shave all of your hair off while you sleep!” I said threatening, getting tired of his game.

            “See! She’s already inviting herself to stay the night! Not to mention I could totally pull of the Britney Spears 2009 look so you’re threat is empty!”

            “Demi.”I stated strongly as she nodded at me ridiculing. “He kissed me. Just barely, nothing big.”

            “What do you mean nothing big!?” Brendon asked offended.

            “The kiss. It wasn’t deep or anything just a peck.” I answered speaking to both of them. “Now I want chocolate chip pancakes. I’m feeling quite sinful.”

            “Whatever. Brendon will you get forks and knives?” Demi sighed. Too dumb to believe me- too smart to admit that she didn’t aloud.

            “Yeah sure.” He said, harshly shuffling past me to get to the drawers. I just rolled my eyes and took a seat next to Demi at the table; picking a box filled with a chocolate short stack. “Here” He mumbled tossing 3 pairs of utensils onto the table.

            “Wow!” Demi cried, studying her knife carefully. Brendon and I looked up dumbly, him picking out a box and me filling my face with room temperature I Hop. “I’m not one hundred percent sure, but I think you could use this knife to cut the tension in the room.

            “Oh Ha Ha. Every bodies laughing.”I replied sarcastically, forking another mouthful of pancakes into my mouth. Brendon found a box with home fries and eggs and took a seat next to me, pulling his chair close and coating his breakfast in salt.

            “You no salt’s really unhealthy.” Demi replied, snapping Brendon out of his focus. He stared at her for a few moments and then went back to eating, not attempting any come back. “Good conversation” she muttered under her breath taking another bite. We sat in silence for the rest of our breakfast, the only noise was Demi’s phone ringing and her claiming she had to go.

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