Chapter 12

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            “Need help with that?” Mike asked, towering over me like he always does.

            “I’ve got it.” I replied quickly, my nervousness dropping from my stomach. Twisting the lock, I sighed, relieved it had finally opened.

            “You want someone to walk you to gym?”

            “I have drama today.”

            “Well that’s gay.” My head snapped up at his comment.

            “What do you mean?” I asked back, faking curiosity as I grabbed my books for the next few periods.

            “Nothing, I mean if you like it that’s cool, but- it’s really gay. Like, singing isn’t a really important quality. Neither is acting. Being good at either of those two isn’t going to get you anywhere in life. Not to mention, sports are so much more impressive on so many levels”

            “You’re charming aren’t you?” I snapped back, slamming my locker and bumping him in the shoulder as I tried to move past him, but his two hands fell on my hips and twisted me around until I was facing him again.

            “What’s the big deal? Stop being like this okay? It was cute at first but now…” He inched closer, leaning his face towards mine.

            “Would you quit?” I asked, hitching my voice and pushing his hands off. Before he could stop me, I whipped back around and scurried down the hallway, not looking behind me.

            “Echo! Wait up!” I turned my head but kept walking, wanting to create as much distance between Mike and I as possible. I saw Parker moving towards me, his science things still in his arms. I finally stopped. “Sorry if it seems like I’m following you or something, I’m not. I just have to get to my locker, it’s a ways down. Saw you, couldn’t really think of a reason to walk alone. Am I babbling?”

            I laughed. “No, you’re fine. I have to find Brendon, where’s your locker?”

            “Sophomore hallway.”

            “You’re a sophomore?” I asked. “And you’re taking advanced science for juniors?”

            “Oh, no. My little brother is a sophomore, I asked them to give me a locker near him. He’s autistic.”

            “Oh, that’s really great of you.”

            “Just doing what’s best. Hey! Isn’t that Brendon?” He said suddenly, poiting towards Brendon who was sashaying towards us.

            “That’d be him. Thanks again for earlier. I’ll see you around?”

            “Yeah, definitely.” He smiled at me and turned towards Brendon. “Hey man, how’s the music going”

            “It’s going pretty good, just sent out a demo to a few people we know. Not expecting much, just kind of want to get the music out there. How’s science?”

            “Good, Mr. B is hooking my up with a summer internship at a near by university.”

            “Glad to hear it man.” Brendon smiled and pat Parker on the shoulder.  “We should get going” He turned to me.

            “Yeah, sorry to hold you guys up. Glad to hear the band’s holding up, I’d love to hear something. I’ll talk to you later Echo?”

            “Sounds good.”

            “Great.” He smiled one last time and turned a corner down to the 10th grade hallway.

            “He’s a cool guy.” Brendon stated matter of factly. “I can’t for the life of me figure out how Adrianna’s so gross and he’s so chill.”

            “Genetics maybe?” I said jokingly. He just smiled and continued down the hallway.

            “So drama? Do you think you’ll try out for a lead?”

            “Um, maybe.” I replied, even those I was almost positive I would just ask to be a stage hand. Brendon  told me he had to turn to get to his next class. He squeezed my shoulder and led himself away down the corridor until turning into a room. I wasn’t sure what to do now. Brendon had a free period with me yesterday, but today my teacher still isn’t here and he’s back in class. I haveforty-five minutes to do whatever I like. The thing is…there isn’t much to do. So I decided to visit the bandroom. It was empty yesterday, and Drama class is supposed to meet here anyway. It seemed vacant today as well, I wondered why my second period teacher for cooking was never here, but came up blank. Every reason I could make up would have had a substitute supplied by the district, so instead I sat down on the same stool where I’d watched Brendon and them yesterday. There was a quitar like Ryan’s sitting on a stand; I took the pic out and laid the 6 string across my lap.

Disreguard what we know
Well your voice is so low
Will I stay 
Will I go

This evening
See the light on the rail
Reflect red off the tail lights
In front of us.
Slowly leading. 

Heed my warning my darling
Don't let the twilight drown
Feel the shoreline thriving
Turn around
Turn around
Turn around 

I heard clapping from behind me and whipped my head around to see. A tall boy with shaggy blonde hair was standing there, smiling and clapping. When he came closer I could tell he was one of the boys who sat behind me in science today.

“Hey Dallas, nice singing.”

“Thanks” I said hesitantly.

“You know if I was Parker I would not have left such fresh meat all alone so soon.”

“I’m not with Parker.” His eyebrows shot up at this, and I instantly regretted what I had just said. He began walking toward me with long strides. I held the guitar up in front of me to keep him from coming too close.

“Well then you’re not just fresh meat, but you’re free meat too? This day can’t get better.” The closer he came the more I could smell his cologne and the scent of eggs and cheese on his breath.

“Back up.” I said, straightening my back and pushing him away with the guitar.

“You’re not being much fun Dallas.” He said, grabbing my wrists and pushing the guitar to the side.

“Leave me alone.”

“Stop being so bitchy.”

“Get away from me and I will.” I said, raising my voice and trying to yank my arms free.

“Oh would you leave her alone already?” A high pitched voice rang out from the doorway. I tore my hands from his grip and spun to face the entrance. Adriana stood there, her blonde hair was curled again and fell down her shoulders where the sleeves of her pink top started, which ended at her skinny blue jeans. “Honestly Jay you might be able to get a girlfriend if you didn’t patronize every pretty one that passes your way.”

He snorted and made his way out of the room, shooting Adrianna a dirty look.

“Thanks.” I said breathlessly, I thought you weren’t here today.

“I came in late.” She said, smacking her gum as usual. “That kid’s such a creep, next time one of them messes with you just tell them you’ll tell Mike. They’ll let it go real fast.” There was actual sincerity behind her voice. She seemed worn and almost genuine. “I figured since my last class was here I’d come early. What are you doing here.”

“Same thing, but this is a free period for me.” I was about to continue but the bell rang. Adrianna’s face and eyes changed, she looked annoyed to be here again. I just sighed and put away the guitar, making my way to the other side of the room that contained a small stage that sat in front of 6 rows of chair. The drama teacher walked in and smiled at both of us.

“Nice to see you’ve returned this year Ms. Howard! You though.” He said shaking his finger at me. “I suppose you’re new.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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