Chapter 1

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I was walking through Neverland, on some uneventful night, just making sure Pan aka Malcolm hadn't caused too much damage. I had walked a few miles when the shadow suddenly approached me. Something seemed rather off about it, but I shrugged it off. "What is it?" I asked it. It usually never approached me unless something extremely important required my attention. It didn't answer, but merely pointed upwards towards the second star to the right. I stared at the star for a moment, unsure of what the shadow meant. Suddenly, I felt myself get hoisted off the ground and into the air. I screamed and yelped trying to see who had caught me. I barely managed to make out the outline of the shadow. I struggled against it, unsure of its motives. My eyes widened as it took me through the star and into the Enchanted Forest. It placed me roughly on the ground in the middle of a clearing and flew away. "You can't do this! Take me back! Now!" I yelled after it, but in vain. It was already too far away. I racked my brain for a reason on why the shadow would do this to me when my mind finally settled on the only possible reason. Peter Pan. He still hadn't understood that Neverland was mine, and mine only. If he thought that taking me to the Enchanted Forest would get rid of me, he was dead wrong. But before I could think of a way to get back, a dark, purple mist engulfed the clearing I was in, and everything went black.

---End of Flashback---

~Thorn's POV~

I stood there on the Neverland shore, watching the island. It had changed, and I didn't like that change. But it didn't matter. As soon as I get rid of Pan, it will all go back to the way it used to be. I smirked as the thought crossed my mind. He may have been able to get rid of me for years, but he definitely didn't plan on my coming back. I closed my eyes and inhaled Neverland's intoxicating aroma. At least that hadn't changed. I opened my eyes and looked around. No one had approached me yet. Apparently Pan didn't have as much control over the island as he had claimed. I walked on through the forest, looking for one specific fairy who would be able to aid me.

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