Chapter 3

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The first thing I saw.

The first thing I remembered.

It was everywhere, surrounding me like a cloak. It seemed as if I was floating in midair for there was no ground under me but a black, endless abyss. I turned in my spot, scanning the still nothingness for any sign of life, but to no avail. I closed my eyes shut, hoping to wake up from this horrendous nightmare, only to jump in surprise as I reopened them. There was something in front of me; its figure just as dark as its surroundings, and yet the figure seemed to set itself apart from the darkness around it.

I stepped back in fear, then, regaining control of myself, I spoke up, "Who are you?"

There was a pause until the creature replied, "I am what you make of me. I go by many names: a nightmare, a mirage, an illusion. Although, I prefer to be called: the shadow."

I tried not to let my fear ring out in my voice as I asked the shadow my next question, "Where am I?"

It chuckled. A sound so earie it sent chills down my spine and made my heart jolt. "You are wherever you want to be."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and, probably sensing it, the shadow went on, "This darkness around you is but a canvas for you to draw on. You can create any place you dream of. All you have to do is imagine it and will it to happen."

I nodded, closed my eyes, and conjured up an island with enchanting oceans, vast skies, and magic at every corner. Then, I opened my eyes again. The sight that was now before me left me speechless. I was standing on a sandy shore, waves lapping against my feet, an immense island before me. I took a step forward, wanting to explore the island, but the shadow stopped me.

"Not so fast. I have a deal for you. I will grant you this island on one condition."

"What is it?" I asked, impatient to venture upon the island.

"I want your memories."

My eyes widened and I stood aghast, unable to make a decision. But then a thought crossed my mind; I would be able to make new memories, better memories. I quickly accepted the deal and no sooner had I done so than a massive headache overwhelmed me, my whole body shook, and I fell on my side on the sand. The pain and shaking slowly subsided until they were gone completely. I stood back up, now with no memory of anything besides my conversation with the shadow.

It seemed quite satisfied for it then spoke up, "I shall grant you a gift which I am certain you will need."

The shadow approached me and blew cold, chilling air onto my forehead. "I give you power over the elements. Air, earth, water, and fire will now be at your mercy."

I nodded, looking down at my hands which were now tingling with unused potential.

Not a moment later the shadow disappeared. As soon as it had gone a voice echoed through my head, "Your name is Thorn."

---End of Flashback---

~Felix's POV~

With Rumpelstiltskin now here things just got a lot more fun. I can't wait to get my hands on him. Who did he think he was, threatening me and my fellow lost boys? He thinks he's such a big deal and yet he cries over a stupid little doll. Pathetic. I walked on for a while heading for the campsite. Then, suddenly-


I needed air.

I was choking.

My hands went up to my neck as an invisible force which seemed almost wind-like pushed me up against a tree. I was able to regain my breath but was not able to free myself from the branches now intertwining themselves around my hands, trapping me. Then I heard a dark laugh. A sound I hadn't heard in many years. I looked up in dread as a figure came out of the bushes ahead. It was her. The only person Pan had ever feared. I couldn't believe my eyes. She stepped closer to me, a sly smirk etched on her face.

"Oh poor Felix, need any help there?" She said, mockingly.

I glared at her and didn't respond.

She raised an eyebrow, "What? Cat got your tongue? I don't remember you being so quiet."

I ignored her and spat, "Get me down from here."

She chuckled, "Why would I do that?"

"Because I told you to."

"And who are you to tell me what to do? Last time I checked you're nothing but a little lost boy."

"Times have changed, Thorn. I matter more than you do now. If I don't get back to camp, Pan will come for you."

She glowered at me for a moment then raised her hand.

I gasped. The air was gone again. I struggled to free myself, I struggled to get some air, but it was useless. My vision was getting blurry and I felt myself going numb. Then it all stopped. My vision came back to focus and I saw her staring back at me, amusement written all over her face.

"Remember that. Remember who I am. Never speak up to me like that ever again."

I didn't reply as I panted for much needed air. She continued.

"Pan doesn't scare me, if anything he should be scared of me," she smirked, "and so should you be. You see I haven't forgotten about you, and what you did to Hailee."

"You don't know what you're talking about!" I yelled at her.

She chuckled, "I know enough. I know you pretended to love her just to get close to me and my lost girls. I know she was the one who told you exactly where I was the night the shadow took me away from here. You informed Pan and he instructed the shadow to do what it did." She looked up thoughtfully, "I always knew Hailee would cause trouble. She was naïve. She was the only one of my girls to enjoy juvenile things such as beauty and the likes. Worst of all, she believed in love. That was her downfall. But you and I know better. Love doesn't exist. It's an illusion, a trick of the mind, a lie." She eyed me mischievously and her eyes gleamed with rage and fire, the likes of which I had never seen in anyone but Pan.

She stepped back and within the blink of an eye she was gone. The binds restraining me let go and I fell to my knees on the ground. My shoulders shook violently as I tried to regain control of myself. I couldn't cry. I wouldn't. But I did.

Isn't it funny? The things we haven't thought about in years still have the ability to make us cry.

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