Chapter 4

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~Felix's POV~


I stood there and watched.

Watched the blood pool over the ground, watched the bodies fall over, watched the shocked expressions on all their faces as he took them all out, a sick laugh emanating from his throat.

But mostly, I watched her.

I didn't turn around and leave until every ounce of life had drained out of her eyes.

I didn't feel anything until I had walked far away from her lifeless corpse.

I didn't stop until I was at a safe distance from everything.

And then I broke.

Moments later, I stood back up and walked away.

It was the beginning of a new era in Neverland.

No more loving, crying, or hurting.

Never again, I swore to it. Never again.

And that's how it's been ever since.

---End of Flashback---

Until now.

And I hated her for it.

Hated her and Thorn for making me weak again.

But like Hailey, Thorn's time would soon come to an end.

I was sure of it.

Henry's rescue team had come and were running right into Pan's trap. As I watched them run into the clearing thinking it was Henry they had seen, I heard a low thud on my right side where one of the younger boys was supposedly hidden. Then a second thud on my left, then another, and another still. I looked around wearily trying to make sense of why so much noise was being made when we were supposed to remain quiet. I meant to get down from the tree I was hiding in when I felt something rough pull me down backwards from my perch. My back hit the ground with such force I felt it must've broke. I had no time to recuperate, however, when I was suddenly bound tightly by vines growing out of the ground around me and preventing even the slightest movement I could've made. A figure slowly made its way around me and all I could make out of it before it passes was its sly smirk.

Then there was fire.

I could smell the trees burning, felt the smoke take over my vision and glide over my skin, and heard the frantic voices of the group in the clearing trying to get out of the area now surrounded by flames. Birds fluttered out of sight, creatures scuttled away, and branches snapped as the flames overtook them. Muffled screams were generating from the boys all around me, screams that meant fear, and fear was forbidden.

Then a strange sound added itself to the chaos in the forest. A sound so tranquil I was sure I was imagining it. The distant sound of a flute playing a peaceful melody amongst a burning forest.

Just as a flame grazed my cheek, a hand was pulling me out of the vines. Regaining my composure, I came face to face with Pan, and I was immediately frightened by the expression I saw on him. Never, in all my years in Neverland, had I ever seen him so livid. His anger was so intense that it infected me as well and I was suddenly furious at the fool she had made of us. When he had set loose the rest of the Lost Boys, Pan didn't even bother taking out the flames. He went right to the source of the trouble and we all followed in his wake.

The clearing was now stripped of any living being save for one person, sitting in the very center of the clearing, playing her flute, seemingly unaware of the rapidly deteriorating area around her. Signaling for us to stay back, Pan marched forwards, but before he could even make it near Thorn, a gust of wind shook the trees and she was gone.

Time seemed to stop right then. Pan came to a halt, and none of us dared to move or even breathe for that matter. The forest seemed to calm as well, the very flames which had been so loud and eerie earlier stilled.

And then he screamed. A piercing scream so ominous it rattled the very foundation at our feet and shook the center of Neverland. A scream that caused the winds to rage and the flames to dissipate.

But by the end of it, all that was left was silence.

And I wasn't so sure anymore.

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