Chapter 2

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I woke up in one of the diner's upstairs bedrooms. I got up and looked out the window. It had been raining outside and an unfamiliar car was parked in the middle of the street. I ran down the stairs, hoping to get some answers. I went up to the front desk where my grandmother gave me a stern look, "Sleeping on the job again, Skylar? You're getting worse than your sister." I didn't get a chance to reply as she was already in the middle of a heated argument between herself and Ruby. I sighed and started clearing out the few booths that had been occupied during the day, while keeping my eye on the strange vehicle in the middle of the road. My brows furrowed in confusion as Henry and another woman stepped out of the car. I had never seen that woman before, but by the many conversations I had had with Henry  I could only assume that she was one person: his mother, or his biological one at least. I turned back towards Ruby and Granny, their argument escalating quickly, and sighed. It was going to be a long night.

---End of Flashback---

~Thorn's POV~

I marched through the forest for a while before coming across a tree house. I didn't recall there being a tree house in this area so I climbed up the tree to do some investigating. I slowly opened the tree house's door and walked in. That's when I felt it. A dagger to my throat. "Who are you?" The hostile voice asked. I chuckled recognizing its owner. A hand spun me around and I came face to face with an old friend.

"Tinkerbell, I see time hasn't been kind to you." I remarked. Her eyes widened and her dagger dropped to the ground. She took a step back and I smirked.

"Thorn? How is it possible? You were gone for decades. How are you here? What happened to you?"

"I only have two words for you. Peter Pan. But it doesn't matter now. Just as you remarked, I'm back. And I plan on turning things back to the way they used to be."

She shook her head, "It's not possible. Things have changed Thorn. Pan now rules the island, and with his control over everything, the island itself has changed.

I nodded, "I noticed. That's why I need your help."

I leaned against the wall of the tree house.

She hesitated for a moment before replying, "Okay. What can I do?"

I smirked, "You can do a lot of things, as a matter of fact. First off, you can tell me what happened to my Lost Girls."

Tinkerbell sighed, "They're gone, Thorn. Pan killed every last one of them."

I remained unemotional towards her answer, but anger was slowly raging inside me. Tinkerbell sat down on the floor and stared intently at me, awaiting my reaction. When she realized I wasn't going to provide one, she got up and pulled out a flute from a wooden box hidden away in a corner of the tree house. She quickly handed it to me.

I smirked, "My flute." I turned it around in my hands and looked back up at her, "How did you get it?"

Tinkerbell leaned on the wall, "I convinced Pan not to destroy it."

I smirked and lowered myself to the floor, crossing my legs. I brought the flute to my lips and started playing a soft melody on it.

~Pan's POV~

"Pan!" Felix yelled as he made his way towards me. "That music. What is that?" He asked.

I looked up at him, then at the rest of the Lost Boys. "That is bad news. She's back." I answered.

Felix's eyebrows furrowed in confusion before realization hit him. "You don't mean-?"

I nodded, "Oh yes. But don't worry. I got rid of her once, I can do it again. This time, it will be permanent."

I turned back towards the boys and started playing my pipe to match the distant melody.

~Thorn's POV~

I stopped playing as I heard the distant sound of Pan's pipe. I looked up at Tinkerbell and chuckled. The game was about to get interesting.

Return of the QueenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz