Chapter 4

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Never judge a book by its cover 4

“Ha ha ha!”

‘What is that?’ I asked myself.

“Gramps you should have seen your face!” a young male laughed

‘Who’s speaking?’ I asked trying to find the source if the voice. Looking around, all I could see was shadows and they were trying to swallow me whole.

“Shut up Makodo! [Ma-co-doe] I’m sick of your smartass attitude!” a gruff and clearly older man yelled angrily.

Sitting in the darkness I continued to listen to the male duo’s conversation.

“Oh, come on Gramps, you know you love me!”

“No I don’t! Makodo, you’re a brat and you don’t even work for the Marines so I never get why you’re here all the time!”

The boy whose name I believed to be Makodo sighed, “Gramps, I may not formally work for the Marines, but I do give them info on pirates and outlaws that cause mayhem. I mean I’m an information broker after all~” Makodo laughed to himself as the older man, ‘Gramps’ just grunts in irritation

“So Makodo, when are you leaving?” Gramps asked out of the blue.

Although I couldn’t see anything I felt as though the younger man smirked, “You found out huh? I was planning on making that a big surprise. You’re not gonna tell pops are you? He’d skin me alive with his pretty little cross if he found out.”

Gramps sighed, “I won’t tell him, but where are you headed? I mean we’re on the grand line right now. Where do you wish to reach havoc next?”

Makodo chuckled, “I don’t know maybe the east blue. Who knows, I might find someone worth a bounty over there. You never know, but I’ll send you a letter if I find ‘im.”

“Yeah whatever, just be careful, we don’t need our best information broker being killed before I retire. So Makodo prepare to live for another hundred year’s you stupid brat.”

“Whatever you say Gramps! Well I’ll be off now! Remember, don’t tell pops about this!!”

“I won’t, I promise you that. Just don’t die on your little voyage of havoc.”

Makodo laughed psychotically, “I won’t you old fart! ‘Cause if I did, who’d be here to piss you off on a daily basis?”

Gramps was quiet for a moment, “Heheheh…. There’d be no one here; you’re one a kind Makodo. You’re the only person I know who constantly tries to piss me off on purpose.”

I felt as though Makodo was smiling happily and was walking away from his old friend.


A door slammed closed and all of the darkness disappeared in a snap. Opening my eyes I realized that I wasn’t in the court yard where I passed out and got shot; instead I was in a soft bed with a pale yellow sheet over me. ‘Where am I?’ I asked myself, pulling off the sheet. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed I noticed that it was either morning or mid-day from the sun that was shining through the open window. Letting my eyes wonder around the room I noticed a plain door and I decided to walk over and open it. Having opened the door a familiar gruff voice joked, “Looks like sleeping beauty’s awake.”

Looking over to where the voice came from, I saw Zolo, Luffy, and Koby sitting around a table that had a load of food sitting on it, at the moment untouched. Staring at the beautiful food I felt my stomach growled, “Beauty?” I asked, “I wouldn’t call myself that… then again I’ve never seen my face before so I don’t even know what I look like. All I know is that my hair is magenta…”

Never judge a book by it's cover. A one piece fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now