Chapter 7

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“Zolo!”I cried in horror as a dismembered hand stabbed Zolo through his stomach with a small dagger. All around us Buggy’s crew were going ballistic with laughter and I could only stare in horror. “Zolo!” I ran forwards to help the swordsman as the sword pulled out of Zolo and floated ominously in the air.

“The hand is floating!” the orange haired girl gasped in horror

“The chop-chop fruit!” an ugly yet familiar voice shouted. With wide eyes I saw the impossible happen: a man who was chopped to pieces became one once again. “That’s the devil fruit I ate!” Buggy shouted, his precious daggers clutched in his grimey fingers, “You can slice and dice me, but you can’t kill me! I’m a chop-chop man!”

“No way” I stared in shock as I helped keep the green haired male on his feet.

“Chop-chop man?!” I heard luffy gasp behind me, “That guy’s a freak!”

‘You’re one to talk…’ I thought briefly before turning my attention back to the clown in front of me,

“Roronoa Zolo! You never had a chance! Looks like I missed your vitals… but you still took a serious wound!”

“Buggy you’re the best!” the clown crew chanted, “Finish him! Finish him!”

‘Oh shit! I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what to do! I need to help Zolo, Luffy and that weird girl but I can’t do shit!’

“Stabbing someone in the back… That’s fighting dirty!” Luffy roared from his cage, “You got that, Big nose?!”

All of Buggy’s crew stared at the scarred boy, unable to process what he had just said. No one and that means no one called Captain Buggy “Big Nose” and lived to tell the tale.

“How dare you call me ‘Big Nose’?!” Buggy bellowed in blind rage, separating a hand from his body to stab Luffy in the face and kill the young teen.

“Luffy!” Zolo and I cried, thinking that our dear Captain got stabbed. But when the youngest of the straw hats lifted his head, we were filled with relief to see him unharmed.

“I swear…” Luffy spoke as best as he could with a broken blade clenched between his teeth, “I’m gonna clobber you!”

After hearing Luffy’s proclamation, Buggy and crew burst into hysterical laughter, “Ha, Ha, Ha!! Clobber me! Don’t make me laugh! You four are about to die!”

My eyes narrowed dangerously at Buggy’s claim. I wasn’t going to die now. Not before I saw Luffy and Zolo achieve their dreams and I regained my memories.

While Buggy was laughing with his crew I heard Cap’n give Zolo and I and order. “Zolo! Kai! Run!”

“What?!” I stared at Luffy like he was insane. The orange haired girl seemed to think the same thing as she yelled at the onyx haired boy. Glancing between the bleeding Zolo and the caged Luffy we all nodded in understanding.

“Roronoa Zolo! You won’t get away that easily! Chop-Chop Cannon!”

That was our cue. “Shit!” I shouted, shooting forward as Zolo used two of his swords to block Buggy’s all the while trying to not bleed out right then and there.

Skidding to a stop in front of the cannon, I reached down and grabbed near its base and flipped it over. Unfortunately for me, my shoulder was still not fully healed and I could feel sticky liquid rise from my bullet wound and bleed through my shirt.

“Light this thing” Zolo commanded orangey as the other pirate crew was screaming about Buggy balls.

“No!” Buggy cried as the fuse lie and set the cannon off, causing a massive explosion to go off in the Buggy pirate’s faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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