Chapter3 (Meeting the pack)

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Jocelyn's pov

I woke up to find myself in Scott's arms carrying me to Stiles car with Derek right behind him.

"Scott where are we going" I said

"Well I was about to take you home so you can sleep" he said as he put me down

I fell on the ground it was like I couldn't move Scott tried to help me up but I told Derek to hold him back Stiles,Derek,and Scott watched as I transformed from human to wolf Scott was shocked

"Jocelyn, Derek how did she do that" he started yelling

"Scott I've never told you this but true alpha's do that when they find their mate" Derek said

Slowly after Derek said that Scott fell to the ground like I did I started to whimper because I saw Scott in so much pain after Scott's transformation he had a shiny black coat with red eyes I just stared into his wolf eyes. I licked Scott's snout and started to play/roundhouse with him.

Derek looked at us both and told us to sit, so we did he told us to get in the back of Stiles jeep. We jumped in. We both laid down crossing our paws. I laid my head down and Scott put his head on top of mine. We got back to Scott's house his mom asked Derek why Scott wasn't at school he pointed to the back seat of the jeep and his mother gasped to see her little baby boy take on the form of a wolf I could hear her crying. After that Derek whistled at us to follow him into Scott's house he told us to sit and stay like we were a couple of puppies. He told Scott to howl for his pack to come to his house so he did. He told Scott to take me up to his room and keep me there until the pack arrived in minutes everyone was here.

"Scott and Jocelyn can you come downstairs please" he said

People started to gasp at the sight of me and Scott being a wolf. Apparently everyone already knew who I was because Stiles told them about me

"Jocelyn meet Liam ,Isaac ,and Malia there all werewolfs except for Malia she is a werecyote. This is Lydia,Allison,and kira. Lydia is a banchee, Allison is a werewolf hunter, and Kira is a kitsuna" Derek told me

I rubbed my fur against all of there legs letting them pet me as I was trying to say hello the best I could.

"Jocelyn is a true alpha just like scott" Stiles said

Everyone gasped

After the meeting everyone went home except for me, Stiles, and Derek I decided to stay at Scott's house that night because I couldn't let my little brother see me like this. I laid next to Scott who was still in wolf form like I was. I tried to go to sleep but I could feel Derek and Stiles petting me after that they went down stairs and I fell asleep.

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