Chapter 8 (the date)

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Stiles pov

Scott and I had got into my jeep my arm still hurt from him punching me I rubbed it I lifted up my sleeve to see that it was bruised Scott looked at me.

"Do you want me to heal that?" Scott asked.

"NO, I'm a man I can deal with it." I said

We both looked at each other and laughed. I started the car and we left the vet clinic so I could drop off Scott.

"Stiles do you mind after we get yo my house you can drive me to the woods?" He said

"Yeah, are you running with Derek again." I asked

"No i-I have a date with Jocelyn and the boys are helping me set up,Lydia is keeping Jocelyn so she can help her get ready." He said

"Dude, do you think you like her"I asked playfully punching his arm

"I think I do Stiles this one isn't like kira or Allison she's like me it's like when I look at her I can't help but fall in love with her" he said

"That is super deep man" I said

"Well I like her Stiles I just want to know how she is a true alpha?" He said

Lydia's. Pov

I was in the car with Jocelyn we were talking about the boys of course

"So Jocelyn do you like anyone in the pack" I said

"I like Scott he's reminds me of myself, but I like stiles because of how brainy he is, and I like aiden because he is super cute and sweet" she said

"Well then I know they like you to" I said

"Huh" she said

"Well first off I know Scott likes you because he turned full on wolf for you. Second aiden gave you a Hickey when you were unconscious. And stiles likes you because he touched you butt." I said

She started blushing. We finally arrived at my house we both got out of the car and went straight to my room.

"Oooh, I know what we could do" I said

"What!" She said

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