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*a couple months after they graduate college*

Maya and Lucas were walking on the beach together, holding hands and stealing kisses. It was in the evening, and a beautiful sun set had appeared. As they walked they talked about memories that they shared.

"Remember when you were too scared to jump off the diving board so you had to wear that floaty? Remember how I pushed you into the water?" Maya asked Lucas while laughing.

"Shut up," Lucas said playfully. "Remember when you kept on falling when we were ice skating? You had to hold my arm the whole time, other wise you would have fallen!"

"Good times, Lucas. Do you ever wish that we could relive those moments? Escape from the real world and live when we had no problems? When we had no care in the world? When we could be who we really are? Sometimes, I wish that we could be free. Live on our own without anyone judging us, you know? I'm glad we were able to escape New York for a little and go to California. Sometimes it gets a little too much," Maya spoke while resting her head in the fold of Lucas's neck. 

"That was pretty deep, Maya. But I completely agree with you. Sometimes I wish that nothing bad happened in my life. Then I remember that out of all that bad, I met you, Farkle, and Riley. You have a loving and caring family with a really cool brother. As for me, I don't think James and I would've gotten this close to each other if my parents hadn't passed away. As long as I have you, I'm fine with anything bad that happens. I love you, Maya," Lucas told her.

"I love you too, Lucas," Maya promised while kissing him on the lips. "Lucas, I don't think you know how much you mean to me. Without you, I probably wouldn't be a world famous artist living in New York with a happy family. You mean the world to me."

They stopped walking and Lucas looked at Maya. 

"Your so beautiful, Maya. You are smart, no matter what you believe. I'm not surprised that you became the world's best artist. You painted your heart and gave it to me. It lies in my hand and I will never sell it."

"Wow, Lucas. Who knew that you could be so poetic? And thanks. It means a lot to me hearing that from you."

Lucas grabbed Maya's hand and looked at her in the eyes.

"I met you when I was two. You were alone in a sandbox. You had no sand toys. I on the other hand, had all of the toys, but no sand. When we six, you had a box of ice cream cones but no ice cream. I had a tub of ice cream and no cone. At the age of ten, we had to write a story. You had the idea but you didn't have anything to write with. I had the pen and paper. When you were sixteen and I was seventeen, we didn't have each other. Now, I have you here with me. We complete each other in every way. From the very first moment I saw you, I knew I was in love. I know you were born Maya Hart," Lucas told Maya while getting on one knee. Maya's hands flew up to cover her mouth. Her eyes widened and she watched Lucas pull out a box. As he opened it he smiled and said "Will you do me the honor of becoming Maya Friar?" 

Maya nodded her head and let her hand drop down. Lucas slipped the ring on her finger and stood up. He leaned down and kissed Maya passionately. She wrapped her arms around him and smiled into the kiss. She jumped into his arms and he carried her off into the sunset. 

Lucas Friar and Maya Hart= love

Mr. Perfect and Broken= love. 

Maya found her true love. She was no longer broken. She was no longer weak. She was no longer scared. She was strong. She was brave. She was fixed.  

The End

Ha! You thought that was the end? Well, I've got news for you! There is another book in the series called Fixed. It is a continuation of what happened in this book. Here's a sneak peak!

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