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Well, here we are again, but this time is completely different. I will be discontinuing this book because:
* I have lost interest and I don't really attach to this book anymore
* I think it's very cheesy and cliché
* I don't like my grammar  and vocabulary used in this novel.

But before you go crazy, I'm writing this story again but differently, more realistic, not bad boy this or bad boy that. I want it to be engulfing and emotionally attaching. I don't want it to be just something you read and forget, but a book you read that touches you emotionally and in every other area. I want it to be my muse and your muse. I want you to read it and say "Dayum, this right here is a good story,"
Not just some clichéd wattpad book. So, I apologise that I led you guys on this far, but I will be discontinuing it and starting all over again but with more hmmmppphhhhh, more meaning.
So the new title of the book is
*Drum roll*


It's Life As Aurora.

More drama, more everything basically. Enjoy. And I apologise again

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