Chapter 8

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Precious' POV

"Oh My God! I can't believe I'm moving into your house, I can't believe you are gonna be my step sister. I'm just so excited. I can't contain it anymore. I might just explode any minute.I feel so..." Peace interrupted me before I could finish.

"Wow! Wow! Calm down, you are just moving in with me, it's not like we are going on a cruise around the world or anything. It's just a house"

"It might seem like just a house to you, but to me it means a lot to me"

"Yay. We are here", Peace jumped in excitement in her seat.

I was dumbstruck. This is one of the most beautiful mansions I've ever set my eyes on or this is the only mansion I've ever set my eyes on. My face became as white as chalk, my lips were trembling like a candle in the wind and my voice? My throat was so dry as if I had climbed the Eiffel tower in one breath .... I could barely make a sound. When I finally could, it sounded brittle.

"You told me your house was beautiful, but you never said this beautiful", I spoke in awe of the magnificent mansion in front of me.

I watched in astonishment as the wrought iron gates with the ornate leaf design opened of their own accord, as if invisible hands pushed them along. The grass smelt freshly cut, and was immaculate; drops of clinging to the blades of grass like little encrusted jewels. All around us was a garden made from flowers and plants that looked like the belonged in a travel brochure instead of this garden. A fountain gurgled merrily before us, water spraying from the always smiling cherubs' jars and pots.

I think I'm in Heaven on Earth.

Stepping out of the vehicle, we approached the mansion, I couldn't help but hold my breath as I took in its magnificence. The doors by the entrance were made of rarest mahogany and polished white rock. Marble statues stood tall and mighty by the entrance and I couldn't seem to take my eyes from the brilliant details on them. I forced myself to look away, however, as we walked up the steps to the entrance.

As we approached the entrance, we were welcomed by a man dressed in a smart black tuxedo with his left arm in front of his stomach and a white napkin on it. He looked like he was in his late forties. Bald hair, brown eyes, pot belly and bright face. Yeah, he was a typical butler.

"Good afternoon, Miss Nightingale and Miss Alison", he said as we neared him. He had a sophisticated accent. He spoke recieved pronounciation.

"Oh, please just call me Precious. I prefer that to Miss Alison", I demanded in best sophisticated accent which I failed terribly at, making the butler giggle.

"Simon, can you show Precious her room while I inform Armel to prepare our lunch", Peace said with her eyes fixed on Simon the whole time.

"He is on it. Your favorite, Sautéed Mushroom Omelet"

"Huuuuu, yummy", my stomach grumbled.

"Ok, why don't I take you to your room, my lady"

"Yes please"

"Never mind, Simon, I will take her", Peace offered.

"Okay, my lady"

He opened the door for us to go in.

Pinch me right now, because I think this is a dream.

Everything looked opulent from the gleaming wood floors covered in loving throw rugs to the sheer curtains billowing like mist on the wall to floor to ceiling windows that faced a slope and then a sunset. Nothing else. The furnishing were old but had a story to tell, so they had to be antiques with what looked like handcarved workmanship each area of the room melting into the beauty of the next with some delicate settees next to fireplaces that mated with the walls. A chandelier hung down from the very high ceiling, it glistetered reflecting the rays of the light off it.

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