Chapter 12

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"Sorry to disturb you my ladies, but two young men are downstairs in the living room, demanding to see Miss Alison", he said bowing his head.

I never knew Simon was this bald. Look at how the light reflects on the bald spot. He should really wear a wig.

Arghh, focus.

"Who are they?" Peace questioned.

"Mr Davidson and Mr Rivers", he replied.

Oh yeah, today is my death day. Tell my mum I love her.

"Hmmm Simon, tell them I'm not in please", I knelt down on my knees grabbing onto his leg.

"Mr Davidson said you cheated on him with Mr Rivers. He claims to be your boyfriend", he said.

The whole room was silent for a few seconds.

"Wait. What. Actually on second thought, let me handle this", I stood up, brushing the invisible dirt off my knee.

"Precious, wait up! This is a scene I don't want to miss", she came running until she was beside me.

I threw my phone and water bottle in my room before heading to the scene. As I walked down the stairs, everything seemed to be in slow motion. It was like an action movie, except I was about to whoop the ass of a jerk, a real big jerk.

Getting to the last stair of the grand staircase, I fell over.

Typical Precious.

Come to think of it, I think I was cursed by my evil stepmother when I was just a baby. I don't get why I keep falling.

The sound of someone giggling rang through my ears.

"Ah, Precious, still clumsy as always", he giggled holding his stomach.

Luke stepped forward to help me up. I looked at his face first, then I took his hand as he pulled me up to my feet

"Thanks Luke. You are actually sensible, unlike some idiot we have around us", I squinted my eyes at Chris making him realize he was the one I was referring to.

"The only reason why I came here was to warn you guys to stop kneeing me in the crotch. That shit really hurts"

Now it was my turn to laugh out loud. This went on for about a minute or two before I got myself together. I sat on the couch trying to catch my breath.

"It's really not that funny. If you end up damaging them, you'll have no choice but to marry me, so we'll be childless together", he smirked putting his right arm around my shoulder.

"Dream on. Your face is not the one I want to wake up to see every morning", he put his hands over is chest pretending to be heart broken.

"That hurts you know. Do you know the amount of girls who will kill to be in your position right now?" a chuckle escaped my mouth.

"I beg to differ", I countered with a dirty look, "whoever falls for you must be an airhead".

"Look you two can take your love somewhere else. Other people are here. So Precious are you gonna introduce me to whoever this is", Peace eyed Luke with a huge grin on her face. It looked more like a flirty grin.

"Oh. Sorry, well Peace meet Luke, a stranger I bumped into on my jog", Luke blushed, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"And Luke meet my best friend and step sister to be, Peace"

"Nice to meet you", they said simultaneaously shaking hands

"Uh, Precious, I gotta go", he came close to me.

God does he smell good.

"Oh ok, let me walk you out", I grabbed his hand, walking him to the door.

"Bye Peace. I hope to see you around", he smiled at her, "and you also Chris".

He went over to Chris, giving him a man hug.

Opening the door, the evening breeze hit me in the face, sending cold shivers down my spine. I closed the door behind me.

"And Precious", he spun around with a smile on his face, " I was thinking if maybe you wanted to come to my party next Saturday. It's fine if you say no, I'll totally understand".

"Look Luke, I would love to come but I need to think about it first", I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Oh ok", he took my hand of his shoulder holding it in his hand.

He gently brushed his thumb against my naked skin and he cupped the back of my neck with his smooth hands, brushing his thumb against my cheek, then to my lips. And then with a heave of breath that warmed my cheek, he pulled me against his chest.

I was momentarily stunned and my hands hung to my side as I crashed against his solid chest. As if they had a will of their own, my arms slipped around his waist.

"You're so beautiful", Luke's voice was a velvet mumur. His hand moved up my back and cupped my head. A strange excitement upset my normally balanced control.

"Precious, I-", he loosened his grip and looked down at me. His hand slid through my hair until it rested against my cheek, warming it.

Did Luke actually feel something for me, or was he just messing with me?

I closed my eyes as I felt Luke's face drawing closer. My heart pulsated with anticipation in my ears. A breath away, he paused-I knew because I could feel his minty breath on my face.

What is he waiting for?

"I'm sorry Precious, I can't do this", he stuttered standing up straight and letting me go, "I'm sorry for leading you on but I just met you and I don't wanna do this to you".

I bit my lips till I could feel blood sliding down my tongue.

Well done Precious. You stooped so low. I hope you are proud of yourself.

"I better get back inside before Chris destroys my house. See you around Luke"

"Yeah see you around" he slung his hand open to give me a hug. I crashed into his chest.

Wow is this chapter heated, right? I know I should have updated weeks ago but I've just been caught up in school work and other stuffs. But I love you guys and I wanna say thanks for the support.
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Love you guys so freaking much. Muahhhh.xox
Love, ItunuPeace

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