Daily lives 5 - Floor 1 -Traitor

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Sometimes something happened that's unexpected, it can either be a joy or a shock but when every day your life is filled with constant surprises they don't really become a surprise any more - it becomes like a daily routine, nothing more, nothing less. So when you get placed into a school of killing and your finally becoming accustomed to the unnatural lessons of the school what could possibly shock you... The answer to that question was something that you wished that you're never hear...even though you'd known it was coming for ages - hours - days even...how could it still shock you?


You woke up with a start at the sound of the Monokuma announcement ringing through the school.

"Ban bam bam ban"

The screens around the school flickered to life as the usual shape of Monokuma appeared on the screen.

"Mornin' sleepyheads get ready for another fabulous beartacular day! Infact I'm so beary ready to face the day that I have your next motive all nice and waiting in the gym for you... Trust me this ones a good one!"

Sighing you stood up and climbed out of your bed, heading towards the door you opened it and walked towards the hall.

Opening the red door that you remember entering at the start, before all the killings started, when Lyon was happily bouncing around and Shido was joking with others, when Nicolas tripped over and Killia practiced his aim and where Emi would scoff and moan about things but still somehow seem like she was part of your class.

Looking around you noticed it was different. For a start you noted that there were infact burn marks in one of the corners... Feeling slightly guilty that you didn't believe Mitzuo when he said to all of you, you looked up.

I top of the stage stood a chalkboard that was empty of any writing:

And sitting with a martini in his hand was Monokuma grinning and waiting for everyone to arrive - something seemed different about him - he seemed like a bigger threat then before...like someone who knew how to rip the group apart in just a few words...

Oh how right you were...


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