Chapter 2 : RUN

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If you wanted to know my plan then here you go.
This is my diary
The Plan
On my birthday I want to run away from this monster house. They don't even care about me. Plus, two nights ago Mrs.Janette took me out of my room and hurt me. Really bad. She got the ruler and hit me in my face and legs. My leg has on long bruise. It is a straight line.

I am going to scratch the screen o. The window with a pencil Ms. Jensin left me for notes. Then, I am jumping out and landing on the pillow and blanket that Johnny the homeless lives on. He is always at the dump looking for food at night so I won't land on him
PS If you found this. Don't worry. I will be in a better place I won't get beaten with a stick

I DID exactly what my diary said and I actually didn't hurt myself. Except when I was walking and kicked a rock that jumped up and hit me in the leg. Where I already had a bruise.
I actually think this is better than the orphanage.

I just have to figure out how to survive

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