Chapter 4 : Dont Judge

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     Two guys walked up to me. They asked how old I was. I told them today was my birthday and I was turning  17

" Well. I think you are too young to walk alone on the streets. What is somebody hurt you." They told me

There was silence for a moment," I am just getting stuff for my mom. She can't drive because she is 7 months pregnant and very swollen. I am like 2 blocks from my house. " I lied.  I have never lied. It actually felt really really good.

" I trust you. But only because you are pretty. Now be safe ok young lady. "

" yes sir" I waved and walked the opposite direction from them.
I Bought a bike for only 20 cents at the junk store. It was a crappy bike but it was better than nothing. It's seat was torn up and wasn't so soft but again, better than nothing.
I just rode seven miles in a crappy bike so as you could assume I am very tired.
It is night so I am hiding in an alley and sleeping with my jacket as a blanket

The next morning when I woke up I heard strange noises. I was curious so I decided to take a look

I regret that I looked though because if i hadn't been such a curious person the memory wouldn't be the worst. It will never leave my mind though.

I hate curiousness.

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