16 things I've learned by 16

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In honor of my birthday coming up in the next month!

1.) If someone doesn't like you, don't go to extreme measures to try and get them to.

2.) It is okay for you to go into high school with no idea of what you wanna do, God is gonna take care of you!

3.) Don't try to hard when it comes to boys, If its meant to be, it'll happen.

4.) Surround yourself with people that can hold you accountable to your morals and beliefs.

5.) There is ALWAYS going to be someone at school that is better at something than you are, you need to learn to accept it.

6.) Sometimes less is better. Especially when it comes to friends ; I would much rather have a few great friends than lots of okay friends. 

7.) Pray so hard for your future husband! Even though you might not know him yet, it is still important to prepare your heart for him.

8.) Do what makes you happy. If you like doing something, do it because you like it not because the cool kids are doing it or your parents want you to do it.

9.) Live in the moment. There is only so long in our lives that we can drop everything for a weekend to go to a music festival or stay up all night talking at a sleepover.

10.) Find a mentor. It is good to have an older wise person to go to when you have something that you need to talk about.

11.) Be nice to your family. Treasure them because they could be gone in an instant.

12.) Sometimes you need to pet a dog. Studies show that petting dogs can lower our stress levels.

13.) It is okay to disagree with other people. I know when it comes to politics or other issues I tend to disagree with some people, that doesn't make anyone wrong it just means that everyone is different and unique in their own ways.

14.) Put down the screen and enjoy the moment. There have been so many times at concerts or on trips that I wish I would've enjoyed the moment more and put away the camera on my smartphone.

15.) Take yourself on a date every once in a while! This basically says, whenever you have been through something stressful, treat yourself!

16.) Stay updated with current events. Knowing about current events always shows adults that you care a little about the outside world and it shows that you are interested in some more mature topics.

I hope you all enjoyed the 16 things I have learned!!!

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