love letter to California

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Hi all! So sorry that I haven't written in forever, I've been going through some personal stuff.  I was inspired by this blog post to write this  Check out this post, its really great!

Dear California,

For as long as I can remember I have been so madly in love with you. Ever since I was a little girl I've dreamed of living in the golden state of movie stars and opportunity. But the thing is my love, I have never even set foot in your great presence. My family calls me insane for being infatuated with a place I've never been, they don't understand. I once had a dream that I got the opportunity to visit you and as soon as the plane landed on the great LAX runway, I started bawling like a freak. I really hope that doesn't actually happen when I get to meet you. I'm in love with all of you. From San Francisco to LA, from Big Sur to the snow capped mountains of Mammoth Mountain. But with every love, comes downfall too. I'm afraid that is the case here too, my love. Your expensive housing market might make it hard for me to afford to live in my dream city of Palo Alto. But, I love all the negative things about you too. I can't wait to wake up every day and realize that I am living my dream. My California dream. Thank you California, for capturing the heart of a little girl and not letting go. Thank you for making her realize that dreams are worth fighting for. You knew that when multiple adults tell her that it is not worth it, that she would find a way to fight for you. The good Lord knows how and when she'll get to you, her dream, her future. Maybe in this great place I'll find great friends and figures to look up to. Maybe in this great place, I'll find my soul mate who loves you just as much as I. Thank you California, for inspiring me to work hard so that I may be able to accomplish my dream. Perhaps without this, I'd be stuck in a rut with nothing to look forward to. Thank you California for your amazing beauty. I can not wait to walk on the sandy beaches of LA and to run near the bay of San Francisco. But more importantly, Thank you to the One who created your beauty for everyone to see and love. Thank you Dear Lord for giving me this dream, this desire. Thank you California for keeping me going when I feel like giving up on my dream. Some say that dreams are far fetched, but I know that this one can come true. I love you California, and don't you ever forget that a little girl named Rachel fell for you at the tender age of 8 years old. Thanks for being her happy place and ultimate dream. I love you, California.


Rachel  (I can't wait to meet you)

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